Using OData.Feed And The Query Option To Avoid The Dynamic Data Sources Error In Power BI

In my last post I showed how, in many cases, you can avoid the “dynamic data sources” error with OData data sources by taking advantage of query folding. That’s not always possible though and in this post I’ll show you how you can use the Query option of the OData.Feed function to do so instead.

At first glance the Query option of OData.Feed looks very much like the Query option on Web.Contents which, of course, can also be used to avoid the dynamic data sources error (see here and here) and that’s true up to a point: you can use it to add query parameters to your OData URL. However the documentation is not particularly detailed and there is one thing that will confuse you when you try to use it: you can’t use it with OData system query options like $filter. For example, let’s say you wanted to query the People entity in the TripPin sample OData endpoint to get only the people whose first name was Scott. You can do this as follows:

  Source = OData.Feed(
    "$filter=FirstName eq 'Scott'",
    [Implementation = "2.0"]

Since $filter is a url query parameter, you might then try the following code:

  Source = OData.Feed(
      Implementation = "2.0",
      Query = [
          = "FirstName eq 'Scott'"

Unfortunately, this returns the following error:

Expression.Error: OData.Feed custom query options cannot start with ‘$’.

This is Power Query’s way of telling you you can’t use OData system query options with the OData.Feed Query option, since they always start with a $ sign. This is a deliberate design decision on the part of the Power Query team; I won’t go into the reasons why it is this way, it’s complicated!

However, you can use the Query option with OData custom query options like so:

  Source = OData.Feed(
      Implementation = "2.0",
      Query = [#"debug-mode" = "true"]

More importantly, you can use the Query option with OData parameter aliases. The original URL we were looking at:$filter=FirstName eq 'Scott'

…can be rewritten to use parameter aliases like so:$filter=FirstName eq @fn&@fn='Scott'

…and the rewritten version can be called using the Query option like so:

  Source = OData.Feed(
    "$filter=FirstName eq @f", 
      Implementation = "2.0", 
      Query = [#"@f" = "'Scott'"]

You can use parameter aliases to call OData unbound functions too. For example, you can call TripPin’s GetNearestAirport function like so:

  Source = OData.Feed(
    " = @latitude, lon = @longitude)", 
      Implementation = "2.0", 
      Query = [
        #"@latitude"  = "100", 
        #"@longitude" = "0"
  #"Converted to Table" = Record.ToTable(
  #"Converted to Table"

Finally, here’s an example of a query that starts with a table of latitudes and longitudes and calls the GetNearestAirport function for each row:

  Source = #table(
    type table [
      LocationLatitude = text,
      LocationLongitude = text
      {"10", "10"},
      {"33", "-118"},
      {"100", "-100"}
  #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(
    each OData.Feed(
      " = @latitude, lon = @longitude)",
        Implementation = "2.0",
        Query = [
          #"@latitude" = [
          #"@longitude" = [
  #"Expanded FunctionCall"
    = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
    #"Added Custom",
    {"Name", "IcaoCode", "IataCode"},
  #"Expanded FunctionCall"

When you first publish a dataset with this query in to the Power BI Service you’ll see an internal server error message coming from the TripPin OData service. You can make the dataset refresh successfully and avoid this and the dynamic data sources error though: you need to check the Skip Test Connection box in the credentials dialog you can open from the Settings pane and set the data privacy level on the data source that is sending data to the OData function appropriately too:

OData.Feed And The Dynamic Data Sources Error In Power BI

I’ve blogged about the “dynamic data sources” error and the Web.Contents function several times (most recently here), main post here, but never about the fact that you can encounter the same error when working with OData data sources and the OData.Feed function. More importantly, while it seems like the solution to the problem is the same for both functions this is not the case! In fact, the solution may be simpler than you might think.

Let’s take a simple example. Say you have a table with three first names in and you want to use those names to filter the People enity in the TripPin OData sample service. Knowing a bit about how OData works, you might come up with some M code like this:

  Source = #table(
    type table [FirstName = text],
    {{"Scott"}, {"Angel"}, {"Ursula"}}
  #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(
    each OData.Feed(
      "$filter=FirstName eq '"
        & [FirstName]
        & "'",
      [Implementation = "2.0"]
  #"Expanded Person"
    = Table.ExpandTableColumn(
    #"Added Custom",
  #"Expanded Person"

This code uses the $filter system query option to filter the People entity by the three names provided; it’s not the most efficient code but it works fine in Power BI Desktop. Here’s the output:

However if you publish this to the Power BI Service you’ll get the following error in the dataset Settings page:

You can’t schedule refresh for this dataset because the following data sources currently don’t support refresh

Looking at the docs you’ll see that the OData.Feed function has a Query option like the Web.Contents function and assume that the same solution that works for Web.Contents will work for OData.Feed and it can… but it’s not straightforward and I’ll need to write another post to explain why. (Update: that post is here)

Instead, all you need to do is a simple Merge operation between the first names table and the People table to get the desired result:

  Source = #table(
    type table [FirstName = text],
    {{"Scott"}, {"Angel"}, {"Ursula"}}
  #"Merged Queries" = Table.NestedJoin(
  #"Expanded People"
    = Table.ExpandTableColumn(
    #"Merged Queries",
  #"Expanded People"

One key differences between OData sources and other web services is that query folding is possible on OData sources. Sure enough, if you use Query Diagnostics to see the calls made to the OData API, you’ll see the following call is made:$filter=FirstName eq 'Scott' or FirstName eq 'Angel' or FirstName eq 'Ursula'&$select=UserName%2CFirstName%2CLastName

The Power Query engine has folded the Merge and generated an efficient request using the $filter and $select system query options without you needing to build one yourself.

The dataset will now refresh successfully after you have published it to the Power BI Service. There’s one last important point to mention: you’ll need to make sure the data privacy settings, set in the Power BI Service, for your data sources allow query folding to take place. To learn more about this topic you can watch the video here but TLDR if you’re OK with sending data from one data source to another then you can set all data sources to the “Public” privacy level you should be ok.

Returning Annotations From OData Sources In Power BI/Power Query

The Power Query OData.Feed function has an option called IncludeAnnotations that allows you to return annotation values from an OData data source. It’s not obvious how to use it though – even if you use this option when connecting, you won’t see the annotation values by default because they are returned as metadata. Here’s an example of how to get annotation values using some simple M code.

The following query gets data from the statuscode column of the bookableresourcecategories table in Dynamics CRM via OData:

Source =
[Implementation = "2.0"]),
bookableresourcecategories_table =
Name = "bookableresourcecategories",
Signature = "table"
#"Removed Other Columns" =
#"Removed Other Columns"

To get the option set labels associated with these values, you first of all need to edit the record in the third parameter of OData.Feed and use the IncludeAnnotations option to get the FormattedValue annotation like so:


Then you need to add a custom column in the Power Query Editor that gets the metadata from each cell in the statuscode column using the Value.Metadata function:


By the way, if you’re wondering what the question mark does in this expression, it stops an error occurring if there is no OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue field in the metadata record; this post has more details.

The full query looks like this:

Source =
[Implementation = "2.0",
IncludeAnnotations =
bookableresourcecategories_table =
[Name = "bookableresourcecategories",
Signature = "table"]
#"Removed Other Columns" =
#"Added Custom" =
#"Removed Other Columns",
each Value.Metadata(
#"Added Custom"

…and here’s the output of the query showing the option set labels in a new column:


[Thanks again to Matt Masson for providing this information]

OData Performance Improvements In The June 2018 Power BI Desktop Release

In the June 2018 release of Power BI Desktop there were a number of improvements made to the way the Power Query engine handles OData data sources. You can read about them here:

However, while testing them out, I noticed one important point that the announcement didn’t make: an existing Power Query query will only benefit from these changes if you make a small change to its M code, adding the Implementation=”2.0” option to the OData.Feed() function.

Take the following M query, running on the UK Houses of Parliament OData API:

[sourcecode language=’text’ padlinenumbers=’true’]
Source = OData.Feed(“”),
GovernmentOrganisation_table =
#”Expanded GroupHasPosition” =
#”Filtered Rows” =
#”Expanded GroupHasPosition”,
each [PositionName] = “Chancellor of the Exchequer”)
#”Filtered Rows”

It queries a table called GovernmentOrganisation, expands a column called GroupHasPosition and then filters on one of the expanded columns, PositionName, to only return the rows where PositionName contains the text “Chancellor of the Exchequer”.


Using Fiddler in the way I describe here, I can see that when this query runs the engine first tries to fold the filter on “Chancellor of the Exchequer” and then when this request returns an error, it defaults to a very slow approach that involves making multiple requests to the API:


However, if you change the code above so that the OData.Feed() function uses the Implementation=”2.0” option like so:

[sourcecode language=’text’ padlinenumbers=’true’ highlight=’2,3,4,5′]
Source = OData.Feed(”,
GovernmentOrganisation_table =
#”Expanded GroupHasPosition” =
#”Filtered Rows” =
#”Expanded GroupHasPosition”,
each [PositionName] = “Chancellor of the Exchequer”)
#”Filtered Rows”

…then Fiddler shows a completely different request made:


In this case it does not try to fold the filter, but it at least does the expansion in a single request. The performance of the resulting query is a lot better.

It looks like all new code generated by the Power Query Editor uses the Implementation=”2.0” option for OData.Feed() so it will get the benefits described in the post on the Power BI blog. Existing M code won’t have this option set though so you will need to update it appropriately. As always you should test thoroughly after making these changes to make sure you do indeed make your query run faster and get the same behaviour as you had before.

Troubleshooting Data Refresh Performance Issues With OData Data Sources In Power BI And Excel Using Fiddler

A lot of people have problems with the performance of OData data sources when loading data into Power BI and Excel. One possible cause of these problems is query folding not taking place – if this is the case then the Power Query engine will be requesting more data that is needed and applying any filters itself locally, rather than requesting filtered data from the data source. How do you know whether query folding is taking place or not though? The Power Query Editor UI doesn’t give you this information, unfortunately. Last week, at the Data and BI Summit in Dublin, Matt Masson demonstrated how to use Fiddler to check if query folding is taking place when loading data from an OData data source and he’s very kindly allowed me to write about what he showed here.

The following examples use the UK Parliament’s public OData API which is documented here. The M query below, generated using the Power Query Editor in Power BI Desktop, returns all the rows from the Government Organisation table from the API:

[sourcecode language=’text’ padlinenumbers=’true’]
Source = OData.Feed(“”),
GovernmentOrganisation_table =


To monitor communication between Power BI Desktop and the OData API you will need to install Fiddler, a free tool from Telerik. You can download it here:

You’ll probably also need to configure Fiddler to intercept https traffic, which you can find out how to do here. It’s a very powerful tool and I am by no means an expert in using it, but even a basic understanding of its features can be very useful for a Power BI developer.

With Fiddler running you can add a filter so that it only shows traffic to certain hosts; in this case I’m filtering to only show traffic to


Refreshing the query shown above in the Query Editor results in the following activity being shown in Fiddler:


There are several calls to the service root URL, but the important call is to get the top 1000 rows from the GovernmentOrganisation table:$top=1000

Notice the use of the $top query option to restrict the number of rows returned – the first example of the Power Query engine pushing a filter back to the data source. This only happens when you refresh the query in the Power Query Editor so you can see a sample of the data; when you click the Close and Apply button and load the query into your dataset you’ll see that this $top filter is not applied and all the rows from the table are requested.

Altering the query to filter the rows down to where the GroupName column equals “Cabinet Office” like so:


Results in the following M query:

[sourcecode language=’text’ ]
Source = OData.Feed(“”),
GovernmentOrganisation_table =
#”Filtered Rows” =
each ([GroupName] = “Cabinet Office”)
#”Filtered Rows”

Fiddler shows the following call that includes the filter:


[The Power Query Editor does quite a lot of caching so you may need to click the Refresh button on the ribbon to make sure it actually does call the API]

It can be quite difficult to work out what’s going on in a call like this, so with the highlighted row in the screenshot above selected you can go to the Inspectors tab and then the WebForms sub-tab, and it will show the different query options used:


In this case you can see the $filter query option has been used to do the filter, so query folding has taken place in this case and the API is only returning the one row that the query returns:


However it is all too easy to do something in your query that prevents query folding from happening. For example if you add an index column to the table before filtering by GroupName, as shown in this query:

[sourcecode language=’text’ highlight=’9,10,11,12,13′]
Source = OData.Feed(“”),
GovernmentOrganisation_table =
#”Added Index” =
#”Filtered Rows” =
#”Added Index”,
each ([GroupName] = “Cabinet Office”))
#”Filtered Rows”



…then Fiddler shows that only the $top filter is being applied in the call to the API, not the $filter on GroupName, so query folding is no longer taking place for the filter step:



Not everything you do in your M queries can or will be folded back to an OData API, but in general you should aim to get query folding to take place on the steps in your query that reduce the amount of data returned by the API the most. Row filters like the one shown above are a prime example of the type of transformation that will need to be folded in order to get the best possible data refresh performance. You may need to experiment with reordering steps and applying transformations in different ways to get the Power Query engine to call the API in the way you want.

Importing Azure Marketplace Data into Excel 2013 with Web Queries

A few weeks ago, when I was playing around with the new WebService() function in Excel 2013, I was disappointed to learn that it didn’t work with services that require authentication – a pretty big limitation in my opinion – so, for example, it meant I couldn’t use it to import data from the Azure Marketplace into Excel. You might be wondering why I’d want to do this, when there’s already built-in functionality for importing Azure Marketplace data into Excel 2013 and an addin to do this for earlier versions of Excel; the reason is that I want to be able to dynamically construct the url used to call the service inside the spreadsheet. For example, in this post I’m going to be using the Bing Search API and I want to be able to enter the search term I pass to it in a cell in a worksheet rather than hard-code it in the connection, which is what happens when using the native functionality. I’m sure I could use some VBA to do the same thing but using VBA always seems like an admission of defeat to me, so in this post I’m going to show how you can use Excel Web Queries to do it instead.

So let’s start with the Bing Search API, one of the many APIs and datasets available via the Windows Azure Marketplace. There are plenty of posts explaining how to use the Azure Marketplace website to import data into PowerPivot (see here for example) so I won’t go into too much detail at this point, but here’s an example Url that returns the top 15 news results for the search term ‘Microsoft’:$top=15&$format=Atom


Next, you need to fire up Excel 2013 and create a Web Query, a feature that’s been in Excel since ohhhh, Office 2000. There are a lot of good articles on the web describing how this feature works but here’s one of the best I found:

Specifically, you need to go to the Data tab and click the From Web button:


This opens the New Web Query dialog; you then paste the Url from the Azure Marketplace into the Url box and click go. You’ll be prompted for a username and password, and you need to enter your Azure Marketplace account key for both. Click on the small yellow arrow in the top left hand corner of the browser window and you’ll see something like this:


Do not press Import at this point though! Instead, press the Save Query button in the toolbar (highlighted in the screenshot above) and then save the query to disk as an .iqy file and click Cancel. Next, find the .iqy file you’ve just saved and open it in Notepad. The contents will be something like this:



What you need to do now is to parameterise the Url in this file so that, instead of hard-coding it to search for news about microsoft (as in this example) you can enter your own search term. The link above describes how to do this in detail, but here’s the parameterised version of the Url for reference:"Query", "Search For:"]%27&$top=15&$format=Atom

You then need to save the file and go back to Excel.  First, enter a search term in a cell in a worksheet. Then, go to the Data tab, click the Existing Connections button and then the Browse For More button and select the .iqy file. The next step is to choose a cell in a worksheet to dump the data to, and then when prompted for the parameter value click on the cell where you entered your search term and check the Use This Value/Reference For Future Refreshes and Refresh Automatically When Cell Value Changes boxes.


Click OK and you’ll be prompted for credentials again – although Excel will remember them – and the query will run, resulting in some XML appearing in the cell you selected:


This is ugly, and indeed Excel has the ability to import XML returned from a Web Query as XML – but what I’ve found is that if you don’t use the approach I’m showing here, you won’t be able to refresh you query properly.

So you now have our search results as XML and you want to be able to display them in a more meaningful way. This is where the new FilterXML function in Excel 2013 comes into its own. Create an Excel table with four columns: Rank, Title, Description and Url; then enter numbers from 1 to 15 in the Rank column (there are fifteen results returned from the Bing search). You can then use Excel table formulas like this one to get the Title, Description and Url from the XML and display it in the table:

=FILTERXML($B$4, "//feed/entry[" & [Rank] & "]/content/m:properties/d:Description")


(I’m very grateful to Phil Quinn, who I met at SQL Saturday 162, for helping me with the XPath here – I spent ages trying to get it to work with no luck and he managed to provide a working query in 2 minutes)

With this done, you now have the ability to enter a search term in your worksheet and automatically get Bing search results displayed in an Excel table. Of course, this approach would work with any dataset from the Azure Marketplace and indeed any OData source – for example, now that SSRS 2008 R2 and greater can render reports to OData, it should be possible to consume data from an SSRS report in a much more elegant way than the method I described here, because you’d be able to pass parameters from Excel to SSRS (hmmm, maybe this needs its own blog post). Of course, now you have a table in Excel you can add it to the Excel Model and do all kinds of interesting PowerPivot-y things with it.

What this really highlights, though, is that it should be much easier to parameterise the queries used to load data into the Excel Model/PowerPivot, whether they are OData data sources, SQL, MDX or DAX. Not being able to parameterise these queries means you increase the temptation to load all the data that might ever be needed by a user into PowerPivot; if it were easier to parameterise these queries then it would encourage PowerPivot users to build solutions where they only imported the data they actually needed to work with at any given moment.

Consuming OData feeds from Excel Services 2013 in PowerPivot

In yesterday’s post I showed how you could create surveys in the Excel 2013 Web App, and mentioned that I would have liked to consume the data generated by a survey via the new Excel Services OData API but couldn’t get it working. Well, after a good night’s sleep and a bit more tinkering I’ve been successful so here’s the blog post I promised!

First of all, what did I need to do to get this working? Well, enable Excel Services for a start, duh. This can be done by going to Settings, then Site Collections features, and activating Sharepoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features:


With that done, and making sure that my permissions are all in order, I can go into Excel, start the OData feed import wizard (weirdly, the PowerPivot equivalent didn’t work) and enter the URL for the table in my worksheet (called Table1, helpfully):


Here’s what the URL for the Survey worksheet I created in yesterday’s post looks like:

(there’s much more detail on how OData requests for Excel Services can be constructed here).

And bingo, the data from my survey is loaded into Excel/PowerPivot and I can query it quite happily. Nothing to it.


In a way it’s a good thing I’m writing about this as a separate post because I’m a big fan of OData and I believe that the Excel Services OData API is a big deal. It’s going to be useful for a lot more than consuming data from surveys: I can imagine it could be used for simple budgeting solutions where managers input values on a number of spreadsheets, which are then pulled together into a PowerPivot model for reporting and analysis; I can also imagine it being used for simple MDM scenarios where dimension tables are held in Excel so users can edit them easily. There are some obvious dangers with using Excel as a kind of database in this way, but there are also many advantages too, most of which I outlined in my earlier discussions of data stores that are simultaneously human readable and machine readable (see here and here). I can see it as being the glue for elaborate multi-spreadsheet-based solutions, although it’s still fairly clunky and some of the ideas I saw in Project Dirigible last year are far in advance of what Excel 2013 offers now. It’s good to see Microsoft giving us an API like this though and I’m sure we’ll see some very imaginative uses for it in the future.

Creating Surveys using Excel 2013 Forms

Jamie Thomson and I share a number of… obscure enthusiasms. For instance, last week when he spotted the new forms/surveys feature in the Excel 2013 Web App (see here for a mention) he knew I’d be excited. And I was. Excited enough to devote a whole blog post to them.

What is this feature? Basically a rip-off of homage to the Google docs functionality I mentioned here that allows you to create simple questionnaires and save the data back to a spreadsheet. To use it you need to create a new Excel spreadsheet in the Excel Web App (I can’t seem to find it in desktop Excel and it may not even exist there), then click on Form/New Form in the ribbon:


This opens a new dialog where you can create your form/survey:


It’s all pretty self-explanatory from there, you just enter a title and description and then some questions, which can be various types (returning text, numbers, multiple choices etc):


You can then answer the questions yourself or send a link out to other people so they can too:


If you’d like to take the survey you can do so here btw.

The data then lands in a table in the original Excel spreadsheet, ready for you to do something useful with it:


For my next trick, and to go back to another issue that Jamie and I have been moaning about for years, I would have liked to consume the data in this table via an OData feed as detailed here:

Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work. Whether this is a temporary problem or a limitation with Office 365 (as opposed to on-prem Sharepoint) I don’t know… if someone knows how to make it work, though, I’d be much obliged if you could leave a comment.

UPDATE: First of all, if you can’t see the survey don’t worry – the service seems to be very unreliable. Secondly I’ve got the OData feed working now and will blog about it later.

OData Extensions for Data Aggregation

I was just reading the following blog post on the OASIS OData Technical Committee Call for Participation:

…when I saw this:

In addition to the core OData version 3.0 protocol found here, the Technical Committee will be defining some key extensions in the first version of the OASIS Standard:

OData Extensions for Data Aggregation – Business Intelligence provides the ability to get the right set of aggregated results from large data warehouses. OData Extensions for Analytics enable OData to support Business Intelligence by allowing services to model data analytic "cubes" (dimensions, hierarchies, measures) and consumers to query aggregated data

Follow the link in the quoted text – it’s very interesting reading! Here’s just one juicy quote:

OData services expose a data model that describes the schema of the service in terms of
the Entity Data Model (EDM), an Entity-Relationship model that describes the data and
then allows for querying that data. The responses returned by an OData provider are
based on that exposed data model and retain the relationships between the entities in the
model. Adding the notion of  aggregation to OData, without changing any of the base
principles in OData as is, has two sides to it:
1. Means for the server to describe an “analytical shape” of the data represented by
the service
2. Means for the client to query an “analytical shape” on top of any given data
model (for sufficiently capable servers/services)
It’s important to notice that, while each of these two sides might be valuable in its own
right and can be used independently of the other, their combination provides additional
value for clients. The  descriptions  provided by the server  will help a consumer
understand more of the data structure looking at the service’s exposed data model from an
analytics perspective, whereas the  query extensions allow  the  clients to  express an
“analytical shape” for a particular query. The query extensions will also allow clients to
refer to the server-described “analytical shape” as shorthand.

One of the authors, Siva Harinath, I know from the SSAS dev team and it’s easy to see how this extension for OData would be incredibly useful for Microsoft BI. Not only could you imagine cloud-based SSAS (when it finally arrives) being queryable via OData, but it would allow an OData provider to not only of supply raw data to PowerPivot but the design of the PowerPivot model itself.