VisOps For Power BI With PBI Inspector

This week, one of my colleagues at Microsoft, Nat Van Gulck, showed me a cool new open-source tool he’s been working on to make VisOps for Power BI much easier: PBI Inspector. What is VisOps? I’ll admit I didn’t really know either, so being lazy I asked Nat to write a few paragraphs describing the project and why it will be useful:

Great progress has been made over the years with software development CI\CD tooling and processes (aka DevOps), just not so much with BI report visualisations and charts where we’ve come to accept only manual checks before publishing to production.  PBI Inspector is a rules-based visual layer testing tool for Power BI which aims to fill this tooling gap. It runs on either the report author’s desktop or as part of a CI\CD pipeline. The latter follows naturally from the recent Power BI Desktop Developer mode announcement which marks a step change in providing Pro developers with much improved source control capabilities. PBI Inspector reads report files in the PBIP format (currently in Preview) although it also accepts PBIX files. Test results can be presented in several formats including HTML, JSON and Azure DevOps logging commands

PBI Inspector’s rules combine Greg Dennis’s JsonLogic .NET implementation, which allows for the definition of expressive rule logic, with the querying abilities of JsonPath and JsonPointer libraries to select nodes from the Power BI report’s JSON layout definition for testing purposes.  As an illustrative example, here’s a rule that tests if charts are wider than tall in each report page and returns an array with the names of visuals that fail the test: 


        "name": "Charts wider than tall", 

        "description": "Want to check that your charts are wider than tall?", 

        "disabled": false, 

        "logType": "warning", 

        "forEachPath": "$.sections[*]", 

        "forEachPathName": "$.name", 

        "forEachPathDisplayName": "$.displayName", 

        "path": "$.visualContainers[*].config", 

        "pathErrorWhenNoMatch": false, 

        "test": [ 


                     "map": [ 


                                    "filter": [ 


                                            "var": "visualsConfigArray" 



                                            "<=": [ 


                                                    "var": "layouts.0.position.width" 



                                                    "var": "layouts.0.position.height" 







                                    "var": "name" 





                            "visualsConfigArray": "." 





Here’s an example result wireframe depiction of a report page (provided as part of the HTML output) highlighting two visuals that failed the test because they are taller than wide: 

For additional rule examples, see PBI-Inspector/DocsExamples/Example rules.json at main · NatVanG/PBI-Inspector ( For further details see NatVanG/PBI-Inspector: A rules-based Power BI Desktop file inspection or testing tool. (

I think this is a great example of the kind of community innovation that Power BI Desktop Developer Mode allows (see also the recent announcement of PBI Explorer). A lot of organisations that use Power BI don’t, and will never, care about this kind of thing – but those who do have been very vocal about Power BI’s previous limitations in the area of DevOps and DataOps. Thanks to the work of people like Mathias Thierbach (of pbi-tools fame), John Kerski and Nat we can see how quickly Power BI is catching up.

Some Thoughts On Third-Party Tools For Power BI

While I was at the Data Scotland conference in Edinburgh on Friday (great event by the way) I stopped by the Tabular Editor stand and got the nice people there to give me a demo of their new tool, DAX Optimizer. It’s currently in private beta but if you’re curious to learn more, Nikola Ilic has already blogged about it in detail here.

Rather than blog about the tool itself – there’s no point repeating Nikola’s post – I thought it would be good to answer a question someone asked me later that day about Tabular Editor and which I’m definitely going to be asked about DAX Optimizer, namely:

This looks great, but it’s expensive and it’s hard for me to get sign-off to use third-party tools like this. Why doesn’t Microsoft give me something like this for free?

Before I carry on, let me make a few things clear:

  • I work for Microsoft but these are my personal opinions.
  • I have known many of the people involved in Tabular Editor and DAX Optimizer, including Marco and Alberto, for many years and have had business relationships with them in the past before working for Microsoft.
  • I don’t endorse any non-Microsoft Power BI-related commercial tools here on my blog but I do use many of them and mention them regularly, leaving readers to draw their own conclusions. This post is not an endorsement of Tabular Editor or DAX Optimizer.

With that out of the way let me address some of the different aspects of this question.

There’s a post on the Power BI blog from 2021 here co-written by Marco Russo and Amir Netz which covers Microsoft’s official position on community and third party Power BI development tools and which is still relevant. There’s also a companion article by Marco here that’s worth reading. In summary Microsoft’s long-term goal is to provide great tools for all Power BI developers, including enterprise developers, but in the meantime our priority is to build a solid platform that other people can build these tools on. I know many of you won’t believe me but here at Microsoft we have finite development resources and we need to make difficult decisions about what we invest in all the time. We can’t build every feature that everyone wants immediately and everyone wants different features.

As a result there will always be space for free and commercial third-party tools to innovate in the Power BI ecosystem. In the same way Tabular Editor serves the enterprise tools market, the vendors in the Power BI custom visuals marketplace extend Power BI with custom visuals. There are literally hundreds of other examples I could give in different areas such as planning and budgeting and admin and governance. Why doesn’t Microsoft buy some or all of these tools? We do buy tools vendors sometimes, but I feel these tools and companies tend to fare better outside Microsoft where they can compete with each other and move quickly, and when there’s a vibrant partner ecosystem around a product then the customer is better off too.

DAX Optimizer is slightly different to Tabular Editor and these other tools though. While the tool is very sophisticated the tool itself is not the whole point; it’s like a much, much more sophisticated version of Tabular Editor’s Best Practices Analyzer feature, a feature which is available in both the free and paid versions of Tabular Editor. The real value lies in the IP inside DAX Optimizer: these aren’t just any rules, these are Marco and Alberto’s rules for optimising DAX. Anyone could build the tool, but only Marco and Alberto could write these particular rules. I guess that’s why the Tabular Editor team had these stickers on their stand on Friday:

Doesn’t Microsoft have people who are this good at DAX who could write the same rules? We do have people who know more about DAX than Marco and Alberto (namely the people who create it, for example Jeffrey Wang) and we do have people who are extremely good at performance tuning DAX (for example my colleagues Michael Kovalsky or Phil Seamark). Indeed, back in 2021 Michael Kovalsky published a free set of rules here which you can use with Best Practices Analyzer in Tabular Editor and which represent the Power BI CAT team’s best practices recommendations on DAX and modelling, so you can argue that Microsoft already does offer a free solution to the problem that DAX Optimizer is trying to solve.

Marco and Alberto are Marco and Alberto though. They have a very strong brand. Consultancy is a famously hard business to scale and this is a very clever way for them to scale the business of DAX performance tuning. If you want their help in whatever form then you’ll need to pay for it. Couldn’t Microsoft just hire Marco and Alberto? I doubt they’d say yes if we asked, and in any case the situation is the same as with buying the tools I mentioned above: I think they add more value to the Power BI ecosystem outside Microsoft than they ever could inside it.

I’ve been lucky enough to get an invitation code to test DAX Optimizer and will be doing so this week, but I deliberately wrote this post before giving it a try. It’s important for me to stay up-to-date with everything happening in the world of Power BI because the customers I work with ask for my opinion. I wish the team behind it well in the same way I wish anyone who tries to build a business on top of Power BI well; the more successful they are, the more successful Power BI and Fabric are.