Understanding Let Expressions In M For Power BI And Power Query

When you start writing M code for loading data in Power Query or Power BI, one of the first things you’ll do is open up the Advanced Editor for a query you’ve already built using the UI. When you do that you’ll see a very scary chunk of code (and at the time of writing there’s no intellisense or colour coding in the Advanced Editor, making it even more scary) and you’ll wonder how to make sense of it. The first step to doing so is to understand how let expressions work in M.

Each query that you create in Power BI Desktop or Power Query is a single expression that, when evaluated, returns a single value – and that single value is usually, but not always, a table that then gets loaded into the data model. To illustrate this, open up Power BI Desktop (the workflow is almost the same in Power Query), click the Edit Queries button to open the Query Editor window and then click New Source/Blank Query to create a new query.


Next, go to the View tab and click on the Advanced Editor button to open the Advanced Editor dialog:


You’ll notice that this doesn’t actually create a blank query at all, because there is some code visible in the Advanced Editor when you open it. Delete everything there and replace it with the following M expression:

[sourcecode language=”text” padlinenumbers=”true”]
"Hello " & "World"


Hit the Done button and the expression will be evaluated, and you’ll see that the query returns the text value “Hello World”:


Notice how the ABC icon next to the name of the Query – Query1 – indicates that the query returns a text value. Congratulations, you have written the infamous “Hello World” program in M!

You might now be wondering how the scary chunk of code you see in the Advanced Editor window for your real-world query could possibly be a single expression – but in fact it is. This is where let expressions come in: they allow you to break a single expression down into multiple parts. Open up the Advanced Editor again and enter the following expression:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
step1 = 3,
step2 = 7,
step3 = step1 * step2


Without knowing anything about M it’s not hard to guess that this bit of code returns the numeric value 21 (notice again that the 123 icon next to the name of the query indicates the data type of the value the query returns):


In the M language a let expression consists of two sections. After the let comes a list of variables, each of which has a name and an expression associated with it. In the previous example there are three variables: step1, step2 and step3. Variables can refer to other variables; here, step3 refers to both step1 and step2. Variables can be used to store values of any type: numbers, text, dates, or even more complex types like records, lists or tables; here, all three variables return numbers. The Query Editor is usually clever enough to display these variables as steps in your query and so displays then in the Applied Steps pane on the right-hand side of the screen:


The value that the let expression returns is given in the in clause. In this example the in clause returns the value of the variable step3, which is 21.

It’s important to understand that the in clause can reference any or none of the variables in the variable list. It’s also important to understand that, while the variable list might look like procedural code it isn’t, it’s just a list of variables that can be in any order. The UI will always generate code where each variable/step builds on the value returned by the previous variable/step but when you’re writing your own code the variables can be in whatever order that suits you. For example, the following query also returns the value 21:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
step3 = step1 * step2,
step2 = 7,
step1 = 3


The in clause returns the value of the variable step3, which in order to be evaluated needs the variables step2 and step1 to be evaluated; the order of the variables in the list is irrelevant (although it does mean the Applied Steps no longer displays each variable name). What is important is the chain of dependencies that can be followed back from the in clause.

To give another example, the following query returns the numeric value 7:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
step3 = step1 * step2,
step2 = 7,
step1 = 3


In this case, step2 is the only variable that needs to be evaluated for the entire let expression to return its value. Similarly, the query

[sourcecode language=”text”]
step3 = step1 * step2,
step2 = 7,
step1 = 3
"Hello" & " World"


…returns the text value “Hello World” and doesn’t need to evaluate any of the variables step1, step2 or step3 to do this.

The last thing to point out is that if the names of the variables contain spaces, then those names need to be enclosed in double quotes and have a hash # symbol in front. For example here’s a query that returns the value 21 where all the variables have names that contain spaces:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
#"this is step 1" = 3,
#"this is step 2" = 7,
#"this is step 3" = #"this is step 1" * #"this is step 2"
#"this is step 3"


How does all this translate to queries generated by the UI? Here’s the M code for a query generated by the UI that connects to SQL Server and gets filtered data from the DimDate table in the Adventure Works DW database:

[sourcecode language=”text”]
Source = Sql.Database("localhost", "adventure works dw"),
dbo_DimDate = Source{[Schema="dbo",Item="DimDate"]}[Data],
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(dbo_DimDate,
each ([DayNumberOfWeek] = 1))
#"Filtered Rows"

Regardless of what the query actually does, you can now see that there are three variables declared here, #”Filtered Rows”, dbo_DimDate and Source, and the query returns the value of the #”Filtered Rows” variable. You can also see that in order to evaluate the #”Filtered Rows” variable the dbo_DimDate variable must be evaluated, and in order to evaluate the dbo_DimDate variable the Source variable must be evaluated. The Source variable connects to the Adventure Works DW database in SQL Server; dbo_DimDate gets the data from the DimDate table in that database, and #”Filtered Rows” takes the table returned by dbo_DimDate and filters it so that you only get the rows here the DayNumberOfWeek column contains the value 1.


That’s really all there is to know about let expressions. It explains why you can do the kind of conditional branching that Avi Singh describes here; and also why, when I first tried to come up with a way to time how long a query takes to execute, I had to bend over backwards to ensure that all the variables in my let expression were executed in the correct order (though it turns out there’s an easier way of doing this). I hope you find this useful when writing your own M code.

8 thoughts on “Understanding Let Expressions In M For Power BI And Power Query

  1. Good stuff, Chris. M syntax is very interesting, and it appears to be inspired by F# and other functional programming languages. F# uses let in the same way, but in that language it’s referred to as a binding (Used to associate, or bind, a name to a value or function). Interestingly, the in keyword is also available in F# to separate expressions from bindings, but it’s generally not used because a newline does the same thing with less syntax. M seems to require the in keyword to explicitly end the query, however.

    I don’t remember noticing this before, but you can perform expressions after the in keyword, as shown in the example below from the M language specification. I’m not sure if there is any benefit to this, however, because this syntax hides the individual steps from the query editor.

    Sales2007 =
    FirstHalf = 1000,
    SecondHalf = 1100,
    Total = FirstHalf + SecondHalf // 2100
    Sales2008 =
    FirstHalf = 1200,
    SecondHalf = 1300,
    Total = FirstHalf + SecondHalf // 2500
    in Sales2007[Total] + Sales2008[Total] // 4600

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