ascmd tool beta

I’ve just noticed Dave Wickert’s post on the following thread on the Analysis Services MSDN forum, and thought I’d flag it up:
If you’ve ever wanted to be able to execute MDX or XMLA from the command line then you might want to sign up to be a beta tester for the tool he’s co-developing. Here’s a summary from the original post:
With it you can execute either an XMLA script or an MDX query. Input and output can come from either the command-line or files. It is called ‘ascmd’ and is patterned after sqlcmd’s syntax and capabilities. Optionally you can as it to capture trace events  issued on the session (like SQL Profiler does). It runs over both tcp/ip connections and http access and it supports the new AS2K5 multi-instancing also.
UPDATE: ascmd is now available in the April SQL2005 samples download, available here:

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