Speed Up Power Query In Power BI Desktop By Increasing Or Decreasing The Number Of Evaluation Containers

Last week I showed how the new MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB registry setting could increase the performance of memory-hungry Power Query queries in Power BI Desktop. In this post I’ll show how the other new registry setting, ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount, can also help performance. Before I carry on I recommend you read the documentation on these new registry settings if you haven’t done so already.

To illustrate the effect of this setting I created ten identical Power Query queries feeding an Import mode dataset in a new .pbix file, each of which read data from the same 150MB CSV file, apply the a filter and then count the number of rows returned. These queries don’t require a large amount of memory but do take a couple of seconds to execute:

With ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount not set, refreshing the entire dataset (with background queries disabled) initially showed ten active evaluation containers:

I’m pretty sure these containers were used to determine the schemas of the tables returned (see here for more background); these were then joined by ten more containers which I assume were actually used by the refresh:

With these default settings refresh took 18 seconds according to Profiler.

With ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount set to 3:

This time there were never more than three evaluation containers active at any one time:

…and refresh took 24 seconds.

So we’ve proved that by setting ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount to a low value we can limit the amount of parallelism and, in this case, make performance worse. So why would you ever want to limit the amount of parallelism like this? The maximum amount of memory available to an evaluation container isn’t just controlled by the MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB registry setting; as the docs say, the effective maximum is also determined by the number of evaluation containers used. So reducing the amount of parallelism can increase the amount of memory available to each evaluation container and possibly increase performance.

I then created twenty new copies of the Power Query query, bringing the total number of queries in the pbix file to thirty, and set removed the ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount registry key to go back to using the default settings. During refresh I saw that no more than twenty evaluation containers were active – as expected, because the docs state that with the default settings no more than twenty containers will be used. I’ll spare you the screenshot. Refresh took 62 seconds.

Then I set ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount to 30 and refreshed. This time I could see thirty evaluation containers being used during refresh, and refresh took 55 seconds – not a massive improvement, but an improvement that I’m pretty sure can be attributed to the increased parallelism (I suspect that there was some other bottleneck here, possibly IO).

In conclusion the ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount registry setting is another useful tool to improve refresh performance for Import mode datasets (it’s also useful for DirectQuery but that’s something for a future post) in Power BI Desktop. Finding the optimal value to set it too is not straightforward though and is likely to involve a lot of experimentation. As always, please let me know how you get on using it.

Speed Up Power Query In Power BI Desktop By Allocating More Memory To Evaluation Containers

A really useful new Power Query performance enhancement was added to Power BI Desktop in an update to the May release via the Microsoft Store a week or so ago (if you’re not installing Power BI Desktop through the Microsoft Store you’ll have to wait for the June release I’m afraid). You can read the documentation here:


However if you have just read the docs you may be wondering what these two new registry key settings actually do. In this post I’m only going to talk about one, MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB; I’ll leave ForegroundEvaluationContainerCount for a future post.

At various times in the past I have blogged about how, when you run a Power Query query, the query itself is executed inside a separate process called an evaluation (or mashup) container and how this process has a limit on the amount of memory it can use. Some transformations such as sorting a table, doing a group by, pivoting and unpivoting require an entire table of data to be held in memory and if these operations require more memory than the evaluation container is able to use then it starts paging and query performance gets a lot worse. This post provides more details:


Two things have now changed though. First of all, the default of amount of memory available to an evaluation container in Power BI Desktop has been increased from 256MB to 432MB. This on its own will make many Power Query queries run a lot faster. Secondly, it is now possible to define how much memory an evaluation container can use yourself via the new MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB registry setting described in the documentation.

Here’s an example that shows how much of an impact this can have. In Power BI Desktop I created a Power Query query that reads data from a csv file with around one million rows in it and then sorts the resulting table by the values in one column:

  Source = Csv.Document(
      Delimiter  = ",", 
      Columns    = 16, 
      Encoding   = 1252, 
      QuoteStyle = QuoteStyle.None
  #"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(
    {{"Column2", Order.Ascending}}
  #"Sorted Rows"

Using SQL Server Profiler in the way described here, I found that the Power Query query took almost 87 seconds to start returning data and a further 19 seconds to return all the data:

What’s more, in Task Manager I could see that the evaluation container doing the work was limited to using around 423MB of RAM:

I then used Regedit to set MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB to 4096, giving each evaluation container a maximum of 4GB of RAM to use:

After restarting Desktop I reran the same query. This time Task Manager showed the evaluation container doing the work using around 1.2GB of RAM:

…and Profiler showed that the query started returning data after only 14 seconds and returned all the data in a further 12 seconds:

As you can see, that’s a massive performance improvement. Before you get too excited about this, though, a few things need to be made clear.

First, this setting only affects the performance of Power Query queries in Power BI Desktop. It does not affect the performance of queries in the Power BI Service, although there is another setting that (I think) will have the same effect for queries that go through an on-premises data gateway – but that’s yet another for a future post. So while this will make development much quicker and easier it won’t make dataset refreshes in the Power BI Service quicker.

Second, you need to be very careful when changing this setting. There’s no safety net here – you can set MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB to whatever value you want – and so some care is needed. When a dataset is refreshed then multiple evaluation containers may be used to handle the Power Query transformations, each of which can use the amount of memory specified by MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB. Since there’s a finite amount of memory on your development PC it’s important you don’t set MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB too high because if you do there’s a risk that Power BI will try to use more memory than you have available and bring your PC to a grinding halt. What’s more there’s no way of knowing how much memory any given query will need without some experimentation, so my advice is that if you do change MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB you should only increase it by a small amount and then increase it only if you are sure you need it.

I’d love to hear how much changing this setting improves the performance of your queries. If it does prove to be useful to a large number of people I hope we can get it added to the Options dialog in Power BI Desktop (which is much more convenient than changing a registry key); I also think it would be very useful in Excel Power Query. Please leave a comment with your findings!

A Look At Lobe – A Free, Easy-To-Use Tool For Training Machine Learning Models

A few months ago I heard about a new tool from Microsoft called Lobe which makes it easy to train machine learning models. It’s nothing to do with Power BI but I find anything to do with self-service data analytics interesting, and when I finally got round to playing with it today I thought it was so much fun that it deserved a blog post.

You can download it and learn more at https://www.lobe.ai/ and there’s a great ten minute video describing how to use it here:

The most impressive thing about it is not what it does but how it does it: a lot of tools claim to make machine learning easy for non-technical users but Lobe really is easy to use. My AI/ML knowledge is very basic but I got up and running with it extremely quickly.

To test it out I downloaded lots of pictures of English churches and trained a model to detect whether the church had a tower or a spire. After I labelled the pictures appropriately:

…Lobe was able to train the model:

I could test it inside the tool. The model was able to tell whether a church had a tower:

…or a spire:

…very reliably!

If I have one criticism it’s that when you want to use your model things get a lot more technical, at least compared to something like AI Builder for Power Apps and Power Automate, but I guess that’s because it is just a tool for training models. There have been some recent improvements here though (see this blog post) and Lobe does provide a local API for testing purposes that can be consumed in Power BI with some custom M code.

Here’s an example of how to call the local API in Power Query:

  Source = Folder.Files("C:\Churches"),
  #"Removed Other Columns"
    = Table.SelectColumns(
    {"Content", "Name"}
  #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Removed Other Columns",
    each Text.FromBinary(

        //Insert Lobe Connect URL here                              
          Content = Json.FromValue(
              image = Binary.ToText(
          Headers = [
              = "application/json"
  #"Parsed JSON"
    = Table.TransformColumns(
    #"Added Custom",
    {{"CallAPI", Json.Document}}
  #"Expanded CallAPI"
    = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
    #"Parsed JSON",
  #"Expanded predictions"
    = Table.ExpandListColumn(
    #"Expanded CallAPI",
  #"Expanded predictions1"
    = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
    #"Expanded predictions",
    {"label", "confidence"},
    {"label", "confidence"}
  #"Pivoted Column" = Table.Pivot(
    #"Expanded predictions1",
      #"Expanded predictions1"[label]
  #"Changed Type"
    = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
    #"Pivoted Column",
      {"Tower", type number},
      {"Spire", type number}
  #"Removed Columns"
    = Table.RemoveColumns(
    #"Changed Type",
  #"Removed Columns"

You can export models to a variety of other places for production use, including Azure Functions and Azure Machine Learning.

Definitely something to keep an eye on, especially because it will soon be able to do object detection and data classification as well as image classification.

Video: Performance Tuning Power BI Dataset Refresh

The team at SQLBits have been publishing all the session recordings from their last (online) conference on their YouTube channel. There’s a lot of great content there to check out and this post is to highlight one of my sessions, “Performance tuning Power BI dataset refresh”.

In this session I look at all of the factors that can influence how long it takes to import data into Power BI and what you can do to make it faster. Topics covered include:

  • Choosing a dataset storage mode
  • The importance of good data modelling
  • How the type of data source you use effects how quickly data can load
  • Ways to measure refresh performance, such as using SQL Server Profiler and Power Query Query Diagnostics
  • Power Query options that can influence refresh times such as disabling data previews
  • Query folding in the Power Query engine
  • Vertipaq engine features that affect refresh, such as calculated columns and calculated tables
  • How dataflows can help refresh performance

Power Query And Power BI Connectivity Announcements At The Microsoft Business Applications Summit

There were a lot of exciting announcements at the Microsoft Business Applications Summit this week but if you only watched the keynotes or read the recap on the Power BI blog you will have missed all the Power Query-related news in the “Data Prep in Power BI, Power Platform and Excel using Power Query” session:


It covers all the new things that have happened in Power Query over the last few months such as Diagram View and, more importantly, talks about what’s going to happen in the next few months. It’s relatively short but for those of you with no time or patience, here’s a summary of the roadmap announcements:

[BTW “Power Query Online” is the browser-based version of Power Query that is used in Power BI dataflows]

My highlights are:

  • The ability to create a dataflow quickly by uploading a file to Power Query Online without needing to use a gateway to connect to a file on-premises, useful for one-time import scenarios.
  • Multi-value M parameter support – useful for dynamic M parameters and other things I can’t talk about yet 😉
  • The things that Miguel talks about regarding “easier design experiences” for Synapse are kept intentionally vague but it’s worth listening to carefully to what he says here!
  • Native SQL support for Snowflake, BigQuery and Redshift – this is really useful for anyone who wants to use DirectQuery with these databases because it will allow you to write your own SQL query and use it as the source of a table, rather than having to use a table or a view.
  • AAD based Single Sign-On support for Redshift and BigQuery (similar to what we have today for Snowflake) will also be very important for DirectQuery, because it means that the identity of the user running the report can be passed back to the database.
  • A dataflows connector for Excel Power Query – which means, at last, you’ll be able to get data from a dataflow direct into Excel. This will make a lot of Excel users very happy, I think: a lot of the time all users want is a table of data dumped to Excel and dataflows will be a great way to do provide them with that.

Last of all, the session showcases the great new home for all things Power Query – http://www.powerquery.com/ – which has great resources, newly-updated documentation and a blog. Make sure you check it out!

Power BI Dataflow Performance, Premium Per User And The Enhanced Compute Engine

Over the years I have written a lot about Power BI/Power Query performance but it has always been in the context of loading data direct into datasets, not dataflows. A lot of cool things have been happening in dataflows recently, though, and now that Premium Per User has made Premium features to a much wider audience I thought it would be interesting to look at an example of how PPU can help dataflow performance and specifically how and when the Enhanced Compute Engine can make dataflow refresh faster.

Using the same CSV file that I used in my posts from last year on optimising the performance of merges in Power Query, a file with one million rows and seven numeric columns named A, B, C, D, E, F and G, I created the following dataflow in a shared capacity (ie non-Premium) workspace:

The queries called First and Second are identical and just load all the data from the (same) source CSV file; they also have their load disabled. The query called Merge does an inner join between these two queries on the column called A:

The Merge query has its load enabled so it’s the only output of the dataflow; after it has joined the data it expands the nested columns returned and sets the data types on all the output columns.

Refreshing this dataflow in shared capacity took on average 150 seconds.

I then moved the workspace to Premium Per User capacity and without making any changes, I refreshed again.

Refreshing the same dataflow in PPU took on average 73 seconds.

So the first finding is that moving the dataflow to PPU more than halved the refresh time, which is a pretty good result.

However, at this point the Enhanced Compute Engine is not being used – so, to enable it, I enabled loading for the First and Second queries which in turn made the Merge query a Computed Table (what used to be a Computed Entity before the recent terminology changes, indicated by the lightning bolt icon):

For a full explanation of when the Enhanced Compute Engine can and can’t be used see Matthew Roche’s blog post here; basically it loads data into a SQL-based cache which Computed Tables can then leverage which means that data access is faster and the Power Query engine can push transformations back to it via query folding. The only other change I made was to set data types on the columns in the output of First and Second.

Refreshing this new version of the dataflow in PPU took on average 90 seconds

So performance was worse – but why? Enabling loading on First and Second means that more work is done at refresh time because their output needs to be ingested twice (once into ADLSgen2 and once into the SQL cache used by the Enhanced Compute Engine) before the Enhanced Compute Engine can access it. In this case the extra work needed to load First and Second outweighs the performance gains from using the Enhanced Compute Engine. The new metrics available from the dataflow’s Refresh History provide some insight into this (I strongly recommend you read the docs on these metrics here); here’s some of the data from one of the refresh history CSV files loaded into Excel:

In this particular case the overall refresh time of the dataflow was 88 seconds. First and Second refreshed in parallel – First taking 48 seconds and Second taking 51 seconds – and once they had both finished, Merge could refresh and only took 36 seconds to join the output of First and Second. So in this case Merge is indeed faster (36 seconds compared to 73 seconds before) as a result of using the Enhanced Compute Engine but that improvement isn’t enough to cancel out the additional time needed to load the data returned by First and Second into it.

What about a scenario where the Enhanced Compute Engine does make a positive difference? Take a look at the following dataflow, a slight variation on the dataflow above:

There are now three new tables: Ouput Table 1, Output Table 2 and Output Table 3. Each of these tables gets the maximum value from a different column in the table returned by Merge. Note that there are no Computed Tables in this dataflow so the Enhanced Compute Engine is not used, and that First, Second and Merge have load disabled.

Refreshing this dataflow on PPU took on average 95 seconds

Here are the refresh metrics for one of the refreshes:

As you can see, the three tables were refreshed in parallel and took between 84 and 93 seconds. It’s important to remember that for each of these tables the source data was loaded and the Merge query evaluated independently, which explains why they each take so long. The fact that Merge is evaluated three times when this dataflow refreshes is counter-intuitive but really important here – for more details see this post on how queries are evaluated in Power Query.

Now consider this version of the same dataflow where First, Second and Merge have their load enabled, making Merge, Output Table 1, Output Table 2 and Output Table 3 all Computed Tables.

Refreshing this dataflow on PPU took on average 88 seconds

Not a massive improvement, but an improvement. Now look at how different the refresh metrics are:

In this case Output Table 1, Output Table 2 and Output Table 3 only take 1 second to evaluate, but that’s because they are working from data cached in the Enhanced Compute Engine – the table returned by Merge – and the transformations in them fold. The Merge table also uses data cached in the Enhanced Compute Engine: the tables returned by First and Second. What’s more, because Merge is a Computed Table it is only evaluated once in this dataflow. Loading the data for First and Second takes 52 seconds and 50 seconds respectively and Merge takes 35 seconds. In this case the hit of loading the data into the Enhanced Compute Engine is worth taking.

In conclusion, there are two things that these tests have shown:

  • Moving your dataflow to PPU can make a big difference to refresh performance.
  • The Enhanced Compute Engine can make dataflow refresh faster but not in all cases: you need to understand how it works, and in some cases the overhead of loading the data into it outweighs the performance advantages it gives you for any transformations later on. Use the information in Refresh History to work out what’s happening for your dataflow.

Importing Data From ADLSgen2 Into Power BI: Summary Of Findings

Over the last few months I’ve written a series of posts looking at different aspects of one question: what is the best way to import data from ADLSgen2 storage into a Power BI dataset? For example, is Parquet really better than CSV? Should you use Azure Synapse Serverless? In this post I’m going to summarise my findings and offer some recommendations – although, as always, I need to stress that these are the conclusions I can draw from my test results and not the absolute, incontrovertible “Microsoft-says” truth so please do your own testing too.

Partitioning makes import faster

Whatever other choices you make about importing data into Power BI, creating partitioned tables in your dataset is the key to getting the best refresh performance (see here for more details, and here for more thoughts/findings on the subject). However, creating partitioned tables manually adds a lot of complexity since you need to use external tools like Tabular Editor to do so; it also adds cost since you need to have Premium or PPU to get access to XMLA Endpoints for Tabular Editor to connect to. The bigger the Premium capacity SKU you use, the more partitions you’ll be able to refresh in parallel and the faster your refresh will be.

Since incremental refresh also creates partitions in the background, and incremental refresh does not require Premium or PPU, you may want to consider using it instead of creating partitions manually but it’s nowhere near as flexible and if you’re connecting direct to ADLSgen2 then you’d have to use the technique that Miguel Escobar describes here to ensure that query folding takes place.

Do you need to filter?

The most important question you need to ask in this whole process is this:

  1. Are you loading only some of the data from one or more files (for example by filtering on the values in one or more columns), or
  2. Are you loading all the data (ie all the rows) from one or more files?

Scenario #1 is, I guess, a classic data lake scenario where you have multiple Power BI datasets created by different users, each of which is importing a different subset of the data from the files in the lake. Scenario #2, on the other hand, will be the case when you’re creating a set of files in ADLSgen2 that contain exactly the data you want to load into a single Power BI dataset for a specific project.

If your answer is scenario #1 and you’re filtering data before you load, then you’ll get the best import performance if store your data in Parquet files and query it through Azure Synapse Serverless (see here and here). Although Power BI can take advantage of Parquet format to a certain extent and will give you better performance if you are only importing some of the columns from a file (see here) it doesn’t do predicate pushdown. There is an additional cost associated with using Synapse Serverless, of course, but it’s very reasonably priced (see here for more details on how the pricing works).

If your answer is scenario #2 and you’re not filtering data, then you’ll get better performance (and lower costs) by connecting to your files in ADLSgen2 direct from Power BI. Using Azure Synapse Serverless isn’t necessarily a bad option but it does come with an overhead.

Combining data from multiple Parquet files can be optimised

If you are connecting direct to files in ADLSgen2 (and aren’t using Azure Synapse Serverless) and aren’t creating one partition per file then you’ll be combining data from multiple files in your Power Query M code. The code that Power Query generates automatically when you do this performs faster for CSV files than Parquet files (see here) but as I show here, with some simple changes you can create a much faster query to combine data from multiple Parquet files – although this technique does not work with CSV files.

Always use HierarchicalNavigation=true with AzureStorage.DataLake()

If you are not use Azure Synapse Serverless and reading the data direct from ADLSgen2 using the AzureStorage.DataLake() M function then you should always set the HierarchicalNavigation=true option. As I showed in this post you can get some significant performance benefits from using this option. There are other options that you can set on AzureStorage.DataLake() but I couldn’t find any benefits from using them (see here) – probably because requesting data from ADLSgen2 is relatively fast and the act of loading the data returned into a table in your dataset is much slower (see here).

Attaching Common Data Model folders as Dataflows can be a user-friendly option

While connecting to tables in Azure Synapse Serverless is reasonably straightforward, connecting direct to files and folders in ADLSgen2 can be quite intimidating for inexperienced Power BI users. As a result exposing ADLSgen2 data stored in Common Data Model format by attaching it as a Dataflow may be worth considering. There’s a performance difference between doing this and connecting direct to multiple CSV files (see here) but it’s certainly a lot more user-friendly. It’s also worth noting that support for the newer CDM manifest format in Dataflows has just been announced, although Dataflows don’t support CDM folders with data stored in Parquet format yet.

Optimising The Performance Of Combining Data From Multiple Parquet Files In Power Query/Power BI

In all the testing I’ve done recently with importing data from Parquet files into Power BI I noticed something strange: loading data from a folder containing multiple Parquet files seemed a lot slower than I would expect, based on the time taken to load data from a single file. So I wondered – is there something that can be optimised? It turns out there is and in this blog post I’ll show you what I did.

If you import data from a folder containing Parquet files – whether it’s a local folder or a folder in ADLSgen2 storage – you’ll see a series of queries created for you in the Power Query Editor window that looks like this:

The query called Query1 shown in the screenshot iterates over all the files in the folder you’ve chosen and calls a function that reads the data from each Parquet file. It returns a table that contains a column with the name of the original source file in (which isn’t all that interesting for Parquet files) and all the columns from the Parquet files you’re containing.

Using the Parquet files from my series of posts on importing data from ADLSgen2 as a source, here’s the M code Power Quey generates for this query which I have modified to remove the column with the source file name in:

  Source = Folder.Files("C:\MyFolder"),
  #"Filtered Hidden Files1"
    = Table.SelectRows(
    each [Attributes]?[Hidden]? <> true
  #"Invoke Custom Function1"
    = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Filtered Hidden Files1",
    "Transform File (3)",
    each #"Transform File (3)"(
  #"Renamed Columns1"
    = Table.RenameColumns(
    #"Invoke Custom Function1",
    {"Name", "Source.Name"}
  #"Removed Other Columns1"
    = Table.SelectColumns(
    #"Renamed Columns1",
    {"Transform File (3)"}
  #"Expanded Table Column1"
    = Table.ExpandTableColumn(
    #"Removed Other Columns1",
    "Transform File (3)",
      #"Transform File (3)"(
        #"Sample File (3)"
  #"Changed Type"
    = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
    #"Expanded Table Column1",
      {"TransDate", type date},
      {"GuestId", type text},
      {"ProductId", type text},
      {"NetAmount", type number}
  #"Changed Type"

Here’s the output:

On my PC this query took an average of 102 seconds to refresh.

Apart from this query being slower than I expected, I also noticed that there is a “Changed Type” step at the end – which I thought was unnecessary because unlike CSV files, Parquet has typed columns. If you connect to a single Parquet file in Power Query then it recognises the column types, so why not here? Well, it’s because of the way it’s combining files by expanding table columns, and there is a way to work around this that I blogged about here:

Setting a type on the table column before expanding it did indeed improve performance, but this led me to another optimisation.

I know that using the Table.Combine M function can perform differently to the Table.ExpandTableColumn function used in the original version of the query (although it does not always perform better). Therefore I made the following change to the query above: using Table.Combine to return a single table with all the data in (note that setting a type on the table column is not necessary for this optimisation). Here’s the new version:

  Source = Folder.Files("C:\Myfolder"),
  #"Filtered Hidden Files1"
    = Table.SelectRows(
    each [Attributes]?[Hidden]? <> true
  #"Invoke Custom Function1"
    = Table.AddColumn(
    #"Filtered Hidden Files1",
    "Transform File",
    each #"Transform File"([Content])
  #"Renamed Columns1"
    = Table.RenameColumns(
    #"Invoke Custom Function1",
    {"Name", "Source.Name"}
  #"Removed Other Columns1"
    = Table.SelectColumns(
    #"Renamed Columns1",
    {"Source.Name", "Transform File"}
  Combine = Table.Combine(
    #"Removed Other Columns1"[
      Transform File

This version of the query took, on average 43 seconds to refresh – a massive improvement.

If you’ve been following my series on ADLSgen2 refresh you may remember that I blogged about importing from a folder of Parquet files there too: in this post I noted that it took on average 72 seconds to load the same data from an ADLSgen2 folder in the Power BI Service using the original code; that was with the Source File column in and removing that column made no different to performance. This new version of the query took on average 49 seconds.

The conclusion is obvious: if you need to load data from a folder of Parquet files then you should use this new approach because the performance benefits are substantial. I know what you’re thinking: does this technique work for other file types apart from Parquet like CSV? The answer is no, because these file types don’t have typed columns like Parquet so it won’t work unfortunately.

Parquet File Performance In Power BI/Power Query

There has been a lot of excitement around the newly-added support for reading from Parquet files in Power BI. However I have to admit that I was disappointed not to see any big improvements in performance when reading data from Parquet compared to reading data from CSV (for example, see here) when I first started testing it. So, is Power Query able to take advantage of Parquet’s columnar storage when reading data?

The answer is yes, but you may need to make some changes to your Power Query queries to ensure you get the best possible performance. Using the same data that I have been using in my recent series of posts on importing data from ADLSgen2, I took a single 10.1MB Parquet file and downloaded it to my PC. Here’s what the data looked like:

I then created a query to count the number of rows in the table stored in this Parquet file where the TransDate column was 1/1/2015:

  Source = Parquet.Document(
  #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(
    each [TransDate] = #date(2015, 1, 1)
  #"Counted Rows" = Table.RowCount(
    #"Filtered Rows"
  #"Counted Rows"

Here’s the output:

I then used SQL Server Profiler to find out how long this query took to execute (as detailed here): on average it took 3 seconds.

Here’s what I saw in Power BI Desktop while loading the data just before refresh finished:

As you can see, Power Query is scanning all the data in the file.

I then added an extra step to the query to remove all columns except the TransDate column:

  Source = Parquet.Document(
  #"Removed Other Columns"
    = Table.SelectColumns(
  #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(
    #"Removed Other Columns",
    each [TransDate] = #date(2015, 1, 1)
  #"Counted Rows" = Table.RowCount(
    #"Filtered Rows"
  #"Counted Rows"

This version of the query only took an average of 0.7 seconds to run – a substantial improvement. This time the maximum amount of data read by Power Query was only 2.44MB:

As you can see, in this case removing unnecessary columns improved the performance of reading data from Parquet files a lot. This is not always true though – I tested a Group By transformation and in that case the Power Query engine was clever enough to only read the required columns, and manually removing columns made no difference to performance.

This demonstrates that Power Query is able to take advantage of Parquet’s columnar storage to only read data from certain columns. However, this is the only performance optimisation available to Power Query on Parquet – it doesn’t do predicate pushdown or anything like that. What’s more, when reading data from the ADLSgen2 connector, the nature of Parquet storage stops Power Query from making parallel requests for data (I guess the same behaviour that is controlled by the ConcurrentRequests option) which puts it at a disadvantage compared to reading data from CSV files.

I think a lot more testing is needed to understand how to get the best performance when reading data from Parquet, so look out for more posts on this subject in the future…

[Thanks once again to Eric Gorelik from the Power Query development team for providing the information about how the Parquet connector works, and to Ben Watt and Gerhard Brueckl for asking the questions in the first place]

Bonus fact: in case you’re wondering, the following compression types are supported by the Parquet connector: GZip, Snappy, Brotli, LZ4, and ZStd.

Parquet Files In Power BI/Power Query And The “Streamed Binary Values” Error

If you’re using the new Parquet connector in Power BI there’s a chance you will run into the following error:

Parameter.Error: Parquet.Document cannot be used with streamed binary values.

This isn’t a bug or anything that can be fixed, so it’s important to understand why it occurs and what you can do about it.

One easy way to reproduce this problem is by trying to access a reasonably large (larger than a few MB) Parquet file stored in SharePoint, something like this:

  Source = SharePoint.Files(
    [ApiVersion = 15]
  GetFile = Source
        Name = "myfile.parquet",
        #"Folder Path"
          = "https://microsoft-my.sharepoint.com/personal/abc/Documents/"
  #"Imported Parquet" = Parquet.Document(
  #"Imported Parquet"

The problem is that reading data from Parquet files requires random file access, and this is something that isn’t possible in Power Query for certain data sources like SharePoint and Google Cloud Storage. This problem will never occur with locally-stored files or files stored in ADLSgen2.

There is one possible workaround but it comes with some serious limitations: buffer the Parquet file in memory using the Binary.Buffer() M function. Here’s an example of how the above query can be rewritten to do this:

  Source = SharePoint.Files(
    [ApiVersion = 15]
  GetFile = Source
        Name = "myfile.parquet",
        #"Folder Path"
          = "https://microsoft-my.sharepoint.com/personal/abc/Documents/"
  #"Imported Parquet" = Parquet.Document(
  #"Imported Parquet"

The problem with buffering files in memory like this is that it’s only feasible for fairly small files because of the limits on the amount of memory Power Query can use (see here for more information): you’re likely to get really bad performance or errors if you try to buffer files that are too large, and Parquet files are often fairly large. The best way of solving this problem is to switch to using a data source like ADLSgen2 where this problem will not happen.

[Thanks to Eric Gorelik for the information in this post]