New Semi Join, Anti Join And Query Folding Functionality In Power Query

There are a couple of nice new features to do with table joins (or merges as they are known in M) and query folding in Power Query in the April release of Power BI Desktop that I want to highlight.

Anti Joins now fold

First of all, a few months ago I wrote a post about how the built-in anti join functionality didn’t fold in Power Query. The good news is that it now does on SQL Server-related sources, so no more workarounds are needed. For example, if you have two tables in a SQL Server database called Fruit1 and Fruit2 and two Power Query queries that get data from those tables:

…then the following M code:

  Source = Table.Join(

…returns the following table of fruits that are in the Fruit1 table and not in the Fruit2 table:

Of course that’s what the code above returned in previous versions of Power Query too. The difference now is that query folding occurs and the following SQL code is generated:

select [$Outer].[Fruit1],
    cast(null as nvarchar(50)) as [Fruit2]
    select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit1]
    from [dbo].[Fruit1] as [_]
) as [$Outer]
where not exists 
    select 1
        select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit2]
        from [dbo].[Fruit2] as [_]
    ) as [$Inner]
    where [$Outer].[Fruit1] = [$Inner].[Fruit2] or [$Outer].[Fruit1] is null and [$Inner].[Fruit2] is null

New join kind: semi joins

There are also two brand new join kind you can use in the Table.Join and Table.NestedJoin functions: JoinKind.LeftSemi and JoinKind.RightSemi. Semi joins allow you to select the rows in one table that have matching values in another table. Using the Fruit1 and Fruit2 tables above, the following M code:

  Source = Table.Join(

Returns all the rows in Fruit1 where there is a matching value in Fruit2:

Here’s the SQL that is generated:

select [$Outer].[Fruit1],
    cast(null as nvarchar(50)) as [Fruit2]
    select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit1]
    from [dbo].[Fruit1] as [_]
) as [$Outer]
where exists 
    select 1
        select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit2]
        from [dbo].[Fruit2] as [_]
    ) as [$Inner]
    where [$Outer].[Fruit1] = [$Inner].[Fruit2] or [$Outer].[Fruit1] is null and [$Inner].[Fruit2] is null

The ?? operator now folds

The M language’s ?? coalesce operator is used for replacing null values and this now folds on SQL Server-related sources too now. For example, the M query in the previous section that did a semi join on Fruit1 and Fruit2 returns a table where all the rows in the Fruit2 colum contain null values. The following M query adds a new custom column that returns the text value “Nothing” when the Fruit2 column contains a null:

  Source = Table.Join(
  ReplaceNulls = Table.AddColumn(
    each [Fruit2] ?? "Nothing"

Here’s the SQL generated for this, where the ?? operator is folded to a CASE statement:

select [_].[Fruit1] as [Fruit1],
    [_].[Fruit2] as [Fruit2],
        when [_].[Fruit2] is null
        then 'Nothing'
        else [_].[Fruit2]
    end as [NullReplacement]
    select [$Outer].[Fruit1],
        cast(null as nvarchar(50)) as [Fruit2]
        select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit1]
        from [dbo].[Fruit1] as [_]
    ) as [$Outer]
    where exists 
        select 1
            select [_].[Fruit] as [Fruit2]
            from [dbo].[Fruit2] as [_]
        ) as [$Inner]
        where [$Outer].[Fruit1] = [$Inner].[Fruit2] or [$Outer].[Fruit1] is null and [$Inner].[Fruit2] is null
) as [_]

[Thanks to Curt Hagenlocher for the information in this post]

14 thoughts on “New Semi Join, Anti Join And Query Folding Functionality In Power Query

  1. Does query folding matter? It looks like it is not important for incremental refresh. Does it play any role anywhere else?

    1. Query folding is always important for performance. It’s important for incremental refresh and any time you are doing transformations at scale in Power Query

      1. Thanks for your comment! Is it important in the way that Power Query engine builds more efficient SQL itself, or is it important in some other way?

      2. Query folding is important because it means Power Query is pushing the transformation back to the data source (where it can be handled more efficiently) rather than doing the transformation itself

  2. I would’ve guessed the ?? coalesce in M would produce a COALESCE function in the SQL, rather than a WHEN/ELSE..

  3. What’s the added value of doing join.leftsemi vs join.inner if I don’t need the columns from table2? (I only want to filter table1 on the matching rows from both tables)

    Perhaps there’s a performance benefit?

    1. Semi joins and inner joins return different results. An inner join returns all matching rows from two tables; a left semi join returns every row from the left hand table where there is a matching row in the right hand table, so where there are duplicate values in tables this affects the result.

      1. Dear Chris,
        I’ve tested it. So the difference is only in the “to be expanded table column” for a nestedjoin?
        (Joinkind.Inner = All columns from matching rows in Table2,
        Joinkind.LeftSemi = 1 row with nulls for every column in Table2)

        (Which ultimately won’t matter because I will throw that away after the filtering).


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