Testing Performance Of Power BI Reports In The Browser, Part 1

If your Power BI report is slow, most of the time the reason is something to do with the way you have modelled your data or the way you have written the DAX in your measures. There are plenty of resources out there to help you troubleshoot this kind of problem (Marco’s video “My Power BI report is slow: what should I do?” is a great place to start) but it’s important to understand that there are several other possible reasons why a Power BI report is slow, and these types of performance problem may only manifest themselves after the report has been published when a user is viewing it in the browser. As a result, it’s important to be able to test how long a report takes to render in a browser. If you can’t do this, how can you know if any changes you make help or hurt performance?

It turns out that testing performance of a report in the browser is not as straightforward as it seems. In this post I’m going to describe some of the factors you have to take into account when doing this type of testing; in the next post I’ll go into more detail about how you actually measure report rendering times in the browser and how to see what happens when the report is rendered.

Power BI is always changing

The first thing to remember is that the Power BI Service is always being updated and improved, which means that even if everything else in your environment stays the same the performance of any given report may vary (and hopefully get better) from day to day. Most changes to the Power BI Service are not publicised and there’s no way of knowing how much impact they will have on your report.  You need to take this into account when you do testing: don’t create a benchmark and then wait a week to see if any changes you have made have improved performance. Instead create a new benchmark every day you are testing and compare the changes you make to it.

Use the browser your users are using

Report performance can vary a lot depending on the browser you’re using. Before you ask, I don’t have any recommendations for the best or fastest browser to use for Power BI but generally speaking the more ‘modern’ your browser the better; this tweet from my colleague Chris Hamill showing how much faster the new Chromium-based version of Edge is compared to regular Edge is really striking. If you’re going to test performance of a report, though, you need to use the browser(s) your users are using, especially if that browser is IE.

Client hardware

The spec of the PC or mobile device running the browser is also a major factor in performance. As a Power BI developer it’s likely your hardware will be far superior to whatever device your users have to view your report with. It may be a good idea to borrow a PC, laptop, phone or tablet that is equivalent to what your users use, just for testing purposes.

Network factors

Users in different parts of the world with different internet connections will experience different report performance, and network conditions and therefore report performance may also vary by time of day. Power BI has some basic functionality to show the network latency that users are experiencing but it’s better to get someone who really knows what they are doing to help you understand what’s happening at the network level (I am absolutely not an expert in this). To a certain extent you can reproduce a different network conditions in the browser for testing purposes, but ideally you should to try to reproduce any problems and do any testing wherever the users are based and at the times of day they are using Power BI.

Power BI query caching

Datasets in Power BI Premium have an option to cache queries and improve performance for the initial page of a report. If you have this turned on, it means that the initial report load might be faster than subsequent interactions such as changing a filter or a slicer, so you should not just test the initial render time.

The Power BI/Analysis Services cache

Even if your dataset is perfectly modelled and your DAX is tuned to perfection, the caching that takes place within the Power BI engine (or Analysis Services, if you are using a Live connection) will almost always mean that the first time you run a query it will be slower than subsequent executions.

With Analysis Services Live connections you can clear the cache, and get worst-case cold-cache execution timings by running and XMLA ClearCache command from SQL Server Management Studio or by using DAX Studio’s Clear Cache button. You should also ensure that you are running your tests on an instance of Analysis Services that no-one else is connected to or doing anything on: this ensures that other users’ queries do not populate the cache, or use resources that affect the performance of your queries.

Things aren’t so simple with Power BI Import mode datasets – I’m pretty sure you can use XMLA to clear the cache of a Premium capacity via XMLA endpoints although I’ve not tried it, but even then it’s not likely you can ensure that you’re the only user on that capacity. With Shared capacity there’s no way to clear the cache. As a result you should instead accept that you can only test warm cache performance in the browser by loading your report once before you test performance. In any case, I think the kind of DAX-focussed testing that requires a cold cache can be done more easily in Power BI Desktop.


If you’re using a DirectQuery dataset then you also need to worry about caching, security and other users running queries in the underlying data source. Again, as far as possible you should try to ensure that no-one else is running queries or doing anything else in the data source that could have an effect on the performance of your queries.

Simulating activity from other users

With DirectQuery connections, Live connections and Import mode, it might be that other users’ activity or processing/refreshing of cubes/models/datasets is causing the performance problem. I still think it’s important to do any testing when there are no other real users around – if you want to simulate other users running queries while you do your testing there are tools that can do that, including the Premium capacity load testing tool.

Do what your users do

Sometimes performance problems only occur in very specific circumstances, for example when a specific item has been selected in a filter or more than one item is selected, so it’s really important to create tests that reflect real-world patterns of interaction. Don’t forget that users might also be subject to row-level security that you as a developer are not affected by.


As you will have realised by now, creating realistic, repeatable tests for Power BI reports in the browser is not an easy task because there are so many different things to take into account. I’m not going to pretend this is an exhaustive list (I haven’t mentioned factors such as using a dataset that has the same data volumes as your production dataset, because that’s not specific to testing reports in the browser) but if you think I have forgotten something please leave a comment below – I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Click here for part 2 in this series, where I show how to measure report render time in the browser. Click here for part 3, where I show a worked example of how to use the tools and techniques described in part 2.

9 thoughts on “Testing Performance Of Power BI Reports In The Browser, Part 1

  1. Hi Chris, Thanks for blogging on this topic. What is the way you would suggest to capture performance statistics for performance testing in Power BI service. Performance Analyzer in Desktop is amazing. How can we measure similar metrices like visual refresh, direct query etc. dataset refresh duration anyway can be seen. Is the Premium metrics app is the only way to see the background stats on service. wonder how we get visual level / report level details. We are using Azure Synapse. So has view / materialized vies on the background. Thanks!

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