SQLBits IV Registration Open!

Registration for SQLBits IV (the UK’s – and perhaps the world’s – largest free SQL Server tech conference), which will be taking place on March 28th in Manchester is now open:

We’ve got four tracks of top-notch presentations including some very strong BI sessions. I’ll be speaking, and among other speakers we’ve got SSIS-superstar Jamie ‘twoblogs’ Thomson for the first time. You can see the agenda here:

I’m also doing a pre-conference seminar "Introduction to MDX":
It’s basically day one of the MDX training course that I’ve run successfully as a private course for the last few years (see http://www.crossjoin.co.uk/training.html). We’ll be covering the basics of MDX – sets, tuples, members, popular functions, right up to building the most common types of calculated member; we won’t be covering any advanced stuff like MDX Script assignments or performance tuning. So if you’ve always meant to learn MDX but been thoroughly confused by it, come along!

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