Displaying Azure Maps In A Power BI Paginated Report

The built-in mapping functionality in Power BI paginated reports is fairly basic. However the integration of Power Query into Power BI paginated reports gives you an interesting new way of creating maps in paginated reports: you can call the Azure Maps API using Power Query and display the image returned in an Image report item. In this blog post I’ll show you how.

Here’s a quick summary of what I’m going to do:

  • Call the API from https://data.police.uk/ (specifically the Crimes At Location endpoint) using Power Query to get all the recorded crimes within a one mile radius of a given latitude and longitude in a given month for any location in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
  • Take this list of crimes and pass them to the Azure Maps API Get Map Static Image endpoint to return an image of a map with the crime locations on it
  • Display this image in an Image report part in a paginated report

And here’s an example of what the final paginated report will look like:

Step 1: Sign up for the Azure Maps API

In order to call the Azure Maps API you’ll need to go to the Azure Portal and create a resource. The pricing is very reasonable: the first 1000 calls to the endpoint used here are free and after that it’s $4.50 per month for up to 500,000 calls, which should be more than enough for BI purposes.

Step 2: Create Shareable Cloud Connections

To connect to data sources in Power Query in paginated reports you need to create Shareable Cloud Connections in the Power BI portal. You’ll need two connections for this report: one for the Azure Maps API with the URL https://atlas.microsoft.com/map/static/png and one for the Crime API with the URL https://data.police.uk/api/crimes-street/all-crime. Both SCCs should have the authentication method Anonymous and the privacy level Public and have the Skip Test Connection option checked:

Step 3: Create a paginated report and Power Query query to call APIs

After creating a new paginated report in Power BI Report Builder you need to create a dataset (called AzureMap here) to get data from the APIs. This dataset uses Power Query as a source and has one main query (also called AzureMap) and four parameters:

  • lon and lat, to hold the latitude and longitude of the location to get crime data for, which will also be the centre point of the map
  • zoom, which is the zoom level of the map
  • yearmonth, which is the year and month in YYYY-MM format to get crime data for:

Here’s the M code for the query:

  CallCrimeAPI = Json.Document(
        Query = [
          lat  = Text.From(lat),
          lng  = Text.From(lon),
          date = yearmonth
  ToTable = Table.FromList(
  First50 = Table.FirstN(ToTable, 50),
  ExpandColumn1 = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
  Expandlocation = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
    {"latitude", "street", "longitude"},
  JustLatLon = Table.SelectColumns(
    {"location.longitude", "location.latitude"}
  TypeToText = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
      {"location.longitude", type text},
      {"location.latitude", type text}
  MergedColumns = Table.CombineColumns(
    {"location.longitude", "location.latitude"},
      " ",
  PrefixPipe = Table.TransformColumns(
    {{"LongLat", each "|" & _, type text}}
  GetString = "|"
    & Text.Combine(PrefixPipe[LongLat]),
  QueryRecord = [
      = "InsertYourSubscriptionKeyHere",
    #"api-version" = "2022-08-01",
    layer = "basic",
    style = "main",
    #"zoom" = Text.From(zoom),
    center = Text.From(lon) & ", " & Text.From(lat),
    width = "768",
    height = "768"
  AddPins = try
      "default|sc0.5" & GetString
  CallAzureMapsAPI = Web.Contents(
    [Query = AddPins]
  ToText = Binary.ToText(
  OutputTable = #table(
    type table [image = text],

You need to put all this code in a single M query to avoid the Formula.Firewall: Query ‘Query1’ (step ‘xyz’) references other queries or steps, so it may not directly access a data source. Please rebuild this data combination error. You can find out more about this error by watching my data privacy video here.

A few things to note:

  • The CallCrimeAPI step calls the Get Crimes At Location API endpoint to get all the reported crimes within a one mile radius of the given latitude and longitude in the given year and month.
  • Because of the way I’m sending the crime location data to the Azure Maps API I limited the number of locations to 50, in the First50 step, to avoid hitting errors relating to the maximum length of a URL.
  • The GetString step returns a pipe delimited list of longitudes and latitudes of crime locations for the Azure Maps API to display as pins on the map. However, some error handling is needed in case there were no reported crimes in the given location or month and that happens in the AddPins step.
  • The QueryRecord step contains all the parameters to send to the Azure Maps Get Map Static Image endpoint. This docs page has more information on what’s possible with this API – I’m barely scratching the surface of what’s possible in this example.
  • Authentication to the Azure Maps API is via a subscription key which you’ll need to pass to the subscription-key parameter. You can get the key from the resource created in step 1 in the Azure Portal.
  • The API returns an image binary which is converted to text and returned in a table with one column and one row in the ToText and OutputTable steps. The code is similar to what I showed in this blog post but luckily I didn’t seem to need to break it up into multiple rows.

Step 4: Create Power Query query to return values for Zoom parameter

The Zoom parameter of the Get Map Static Image API endpoint accepts a value between 0 and 20, which represents the zoom level of the displayed map. You need to create a separate dataset and M query to return a table containing those values with the following code:

  Source = {0 .. 20}, 
  #"Converted to table" = Table.FromList(
  #"Changed column type"
    = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
    #"Converted to table", 
    {{"Column1", Int64.Type}}
  #"Renamed columns" = Table.RenameColumns(
    #"Changed column type", 
    {{"Column1", "Zoom"}}
  #"Renamed columns"

Step 5: Create paginated report parameters

Next you need to create four parameters in the paginated report for the longitude, latitude, zoom level and year month:

To make it easy for end users to select a zoom level, you need to bind the available values for the zoom parameter to the table returned by the dataset from the previous step:

Step 6: Display the map in an Image report part

In the paginated report itself the only interesting thing is the configuration of the Image report part in the centre of the report:

You need to set the image source to “Database”, bind it to the following expression

=First(Fields!image.Value, "AzureMap")

…which gets the text value from the sole row and column in the table returned by the AzureMap dataset created in step 3, and set the MIME type to be “image/png”.

And that’s it! After publishing you can enter any latitude and longitude in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, a year and month, and a zoom level, and get all the reported crimes on a map:

You can download the .rdl file with the paginated report in here (remember to edit the AzureMaps query to insert your Azure Map API key).

Calling The Power BI Export API From Power Automate, Part 3: Creating An Alerting Solution

In my last two posts (see here and here) I showed you how you can call the new endpoints in the Power BI REST API for exporting a report. There are some obvious, extremely useful applications for this such as emailing PDF exports of a report out to large groups of users. In this post, however, I’ll show you how you can use this for something different: creating a Power BI alerting solution.

Now I know what you’re thinking: we already have alerts in Power BI and we can also trigger a Power Automate flow when an alert fires. This functionality is a bit limited though: you can only create an alert on a dashboard, not a report, and then only on some visuals; what’s more you can only use fairly simple rules to trigger an alert. You may need something more sophisticated, but while Power Automate would seem to be the perfect tool for building an alerting solution there’s another problem: it isn’t possible to query a Power BI dataset from Power Automate… until now.

How? The new export endpoints in the Power BI REST API allow you to export a paginated report to a number of different formats, one of which is XML. This means you can write any DAX query you want, use it in a table in a paginated report, export the paginated report to XML in Power Automate and bingo – you have the output of the query in a format that Power Automate can read and do something useful with.

Let’s see an example. Take the following table of data in a Power BI dataset:

It shows sales for different countries, and let’s say that if the sales value exceeds the threshold given threshold then you want to send an email to the address given in the last column.

The following DAX query filters this table to return all the rows where sales is greater than the threshold:


It’s quite easy to create a basic paginated report in Power BI Report Builder with just a single tablix to display the output of this query:

Now, let’s take the Power Automate flow that I described in my last post and alter it slightly.

First of all, instead of exporting to CSV as I did last time, you need to change the action that calls the Export To File endpoint to export the report to XML:

More substantial changes are needed at the end of the flow, where the exported report is returned. Here’s what this part of the flow looks like at a high level after the changes:

The first action shown here, Download the exported report file, gets the XML returned from Power BI. The SSRS documentation has a lot of detail about how a report gets rendered to XML here, but by keeping the report very basic it’s easy to understand the format of the XML. Here’s what gets returned in this case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Details Country="UK" Sales="5" 
Threshold="2" Email="chris@mycompany.com" /> 
<Details Country="New Zealand" Sales="6" 
Threshold="1" Email="phil@mycompany.com" /> 
<Details Country="Netherlands" Sales="5" 
Threshold="2" Email="kasper@mycompany.com" /> 

The approach I’ve used to consume this XML in Power Automate is basically the one described in this post I found. The Compose action uses an XPath query to return an array containing one item for each row in the query results; writing the XPath query was quite painful but I finally got it working. Here’s the expression from the action:



'/*[local-name() = ''Report'']/*[local-name() = ''Tablix1'']/*[local-name() = ''Details_Collection'']/*[local-name() = ''Details'']')
Next, an Apply to each is used to iterate over each item in this array:


Finally, inside this loop, another Compose action retrieves the email address from the current iteration and this is then used to send an email:

Here’s the expression used in the Get Email Address action:



'string(/*[local-name() = ''Details'']/@Email)')
And that’s it. It’s a bit of a convoluted workaround, I admit, but it does the job; please also bear in mind the limitations of the export API listed here.
I’m sure there a lots of other things apart from alerting with the ability to consume the output of a DAX query in Power Automate, so if you have any good ideas please let me know in the comments!

Power BI Report Builder And RSCustomDaxFilter

If you’re building DAX queries using Power BI Report Builder you might notice something that looks like a new DAX function called RSCustomDaxFilter. For example, here’s a simple DAX query built from the Adventure Works Tabular demo database, with one measure and one parameter built Calendar Year:

Note that the “Enable Multi Value Parameters” option has been selected. Here’s what you’ll see if you view the text of the DAX query in the Query Designer:

[Date].[Calendar Year],
"Internet Total Sales",
[Internet Total Sales]

But what is RSCustomDaxFilter? If you run your report and see what happens on the server using SQL Server Profiler, here’s the query that actually gets run (in this case I selected the years 2013 and 2014 for the parameter):

VALUES ( 'Date'[Calendar Year] ),
( 'Date'[Calendar Year] = VALUE ( "2013" ) )
|| ( 'Date'[Calendar Year] = VALUE ( "2014" ) )
"Internet Total Sales", [Internet Total Sales]

What has happened is that RSCustomDaxFilter has been replaced with an expression using the DAX Filter() function that implements the filter on the selected years; it’s just a placeholder for a dynamically-generated DAX expression that is substituted in at runtime.

Why is it needed? Handling multi-value parameters is difficult in DAX when you don’t know how many values are going to be passed to the parameters (it’s a subject I’ve blogged about here and here) and some kind of dynamic code generation is a reasonable solution to this problem.

There is one drawback with this approach though – it can generate a DAX query that is too long to be executed. Here’s the error message you’ll see:

The specified query is too complex to be evaluated as a single statement.

I’m not sure what the maximum length of a query is in DAX – I suspect it’s 32768 characters. You’ll hit this limit if you create a parameter on a field with thousands of values in and then select all but a few of these values; from the example above you can imagine how long the resulting DAX query could be:

There’s no single workaround for this but some custom DAX (such as the example here) will be necessary; you’ll just need to ensure that the DAX query is as short as possible.