Speed Up Data Refresh Performance In Power BI Desktop Using Table.View

It can sometimes be frustrating to work with slow data sources or complex Power Query queries in Power BI Desktop: you open the Power Query Editor, make some changes, click Close & Apply and then wait a loooong time for your data to refresh. In this post I’m going to show you a technique that can cut this wait by up to 50%. It involves some fairly complex M code but I promise you, the effort is worth it!

In fact, what I’m going to describe is more or less what I showed towards the end of my appearance on Guy In A Cube last year and in a few other posts, but at that time I didn’t understand properly why it worked or what the performance implications actually were. Now, thanks to a lot of help from Curt Hagenlocher of the Power Query development team I have all the details I need to blog about it.

Let’s see a simple example. Say you have a large JSON file – for this test I generated one that is 67MB containing random data using this handy online tool – and you want to load it into Power BI. You’ll end up with a query that looks something like this:

  Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\generated.json")),
  #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(
  #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
    #"Converted to Table", 
    {"_id", "index", "guid", "isActive", "balance"}, 
    {"_id", "index", "guid", "isActive", "balance"}
  #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
    #"Expanded Column1", 
      {"_id", type text}, 
      {"index", Int64.Type}, 
      {"guid", type text}, 
      {"isActive", type text}, 
      {"balance", type text}
  #"Changed Type"

Here’s what the output of this query looks like:


On my laptop this query takes around 7-8 seconds to load. Using Process Monitor to see how much data is being read from the file (see this post for more details) shows that Power Query is reading the data from this file twice. This graph, generated using data from Process Monitor, has time on the x axis and amount of data read from the file on the y axis, and the two peaks indicate that the data is being read twice:

Why? When you refresh a table in Power BI Desktop two things happen:

  • First, Power BI has to check what columns are present in the table. To do this, it runs the query for the table but asks the Power Query engine to filter the table so it returns zero rows.
  • Secondly the query is run again but this time with no filter, so all rows are returned, and this is when the data is actually loaded into the table in Power BI.

It’s on this first run of the query where problems can occur. If you’re using a data source like SQL Server and you’re not doing any complex transformations then query folding will take place, so Power BI’s request to return the table but with no rows can be handled very efficiently. However, if you’re using a data source where query folding is not possible (such as Excel, CSV or JSON files) or you have complex transformations that stop folding taking place then the only way Power Query can work out what columns the query returns is by running the entire query. That’s what is happening in the example above.

This only happens in Power BI Desktop, though. When you refresh a dataset in the Power BI Service the query is only run once.

The solution is to trick the Power Query engine into running these zero-row filter queries instantly, and you can do that using the Table.View M function. I blogged about Table.View here (and I strongly suggest you read that post before carrying on) but that example didn’t quite get to the solution you need here. Here’s a new version of the query above with an extra step:

  Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\generated.json")),
  #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(
  #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(
    #"Converted to Table", 
    {"_id", "index", "guid", "isActive", "balance"}, 
    {"_id", "index", "guid", "isActive", "balance"}
  #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(
    #"Expanded Column1", 
      {"_id", type text}, 
      {"index", Int64.Type}, 
      {"guid", type text}, 
      {"isActive", type text}, 
      {"balance", type text}
  OverrideZeroRowFilter = Table.View(
    GetType = () => 
      type table[
      _id = Text.Type, 
      index = Int64.Type, 
      guid = Text.Type, 
      isAction = Text.Type, 
      balance = Text.Type
    GetRows = () => 
      #"Changed Type", 
    OnTake = (count as number) => 
      if count = 0 then 
      type table[
        _id = Text.Type, 
        index = Int64.Type, 
        guid = Text.Type, 
        isAction = Text.Type, 
        balance = Text.Type
     Table.FirstN(#"Changed Type", count)]

The OverrideZeroRowFilter step is where the magic happens. It uses Table.View to override query folding behaviour by intercepting what happens when the table returned by the query is filtered. There are three fields in the record in the second parameter of Table.View that you need to change:

  • GetType returns a table type that describes the columns and their data types present in the output of the query. The six columns listed here are the six columns you can see in the screenshot of the query output above. It’s very easy to generate the required M code when you use the custom function that I blogged about here.
  • GetRows returns all the rows that the query can return, that’s to say the table returned by the #”Changed Type” step.
  • OnTake is used when a top n filter is applied to the table returned by the query.  In this case the code looks at the number of rows that are being requested (specified in the count parameter) and if that’s zero, it just returns an empty table with the same columns as the #”Changed Type” step; if it’s more than zero then it uses Table.FirstN to get the actual number of rows requested from #”Changed Type”. This means that when Power BI does that zero-row filter it can now happen immediately because there’s no need to go back to the data source or execute any of the transformations in the query.

This version of the query now runs in 4-5 seconds, and Process Monitor now shows that the JSON file is only read once and, obviously, reading the data once is a lot faster than reading it twice:

Look at how the graph flattens at the end… but that’s something for another blog post.

There is a downside to this approach: you have to hard-code the table schema that you expect your query to return, and if you change your query to return different columns you’ll have to update the table type in the last step.

I’ve used this technique on other slow queries and it has made a massive difference to the development experience in Power BI Desktop – one query that was taking five minutes to refresh when I closed the Power Query Editor went down to two and a half minutes. If you try this out yourself please let me know if it makes a difference by leaving a comment.

[Don’t forget that there are other things you can do that will also speed up the development experience for slow queries: you should definitely turn off the “Allow data preview to download in the background” option, and you might want to consider turning off data privacy checks so long as you fully understand what the implications]


26 thoughts on “Speed Up Data Refresh Performance In Power BI Desktop Using Table.View

  1. Ivan Bondarenko – Sydney – Excel enthusiast, data / business / system analyst, VBA / SQL / Power Query developer, huge fan of Excel modeling (PowerPivot, finance, supply chain, marketing etc.).
    Ivan Bondarenko says:

    Hi Chris, thanks for sharing such insights, helps a lot with optimization of queries.
    A few questions, if you allow.
    1) When we query a folder with JSON or CSV files, do you suggest to use this trick with Table.View in the function used for each file transformation or in the main query where info if combined? I believe should be in the function, where we read binary.
    2) Do you think this trick will help to optimize queries in Excel where source is a range/table (Excel.CurrentWorkbook() is used)
    3) Where to place this trick if we have a chain of queries? Query1 (to the source) -> Q2 referencing Q1 -> Q3 is based on results of Q2 (subset). Always in Q1?
    Thanks in advance,

    1. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
      Chris Webb says:

      1) and 3) If you’re going to implement this you should always do it in the last step of a query that is being loaded into the dataset, not earlier
      2) I don’t know, but I suspect it will help with reading data from Excel. If you can test it please let me know what you find!

  2. Very interesting. However, I would be concerned if this reached production, as the hard coded schema could cause problems if the underlying JSON changed in an innocuous way that would otherwise still work (new info field, etc). Could a “Dev Mode” be implemented, perhaps via a parameter, which used the above method when true, but defaulted to the normal behaviour when false? It could be changed to false for the beta testing phase onward, changed to true during bug fixing, subsequent change requests, etc..

    1. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
      Chris Webb says:

      >>Could a “Dev Mode” be implemented
      That’s exactly what I would like… but I’m not the one who makes the decisions on which features to implement 😉

    1. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
      Chris Webb says:

      No, it can apply to lots of other scenarios too. I used a JSON file example because it will always help when reading from JSON though.

  3. What are the performance counters you used to run this test?
    I tried to run the same test but I didn’t see any performance difference. Maybe I have a too fast computer and I should use a bigger dataset, but the amount of data transferred in the dialog box during the process seems the same.

    Another interesting side effect of this feature is to make sure that an empty file would not break the transformation. This is very important reading files from a directory.

    Suggestion: generating such a transformation should be available in an advanced task of Power Query, because doing this work manually is really time consuming and error-prone!

    However, while trying to apply the same optimization on a real transformation, I discovered that accessing to AzureDataLake source by specifying the root URL. I used it in a transformation transformed in a function and the SampleFile was pointing to the root URL (it is a ADLS Gen2) with tens of thousands of files. The second step was a filter of a single sample file, but I found that the download of the list of all the files was taking 15 seconds for any evaluation/preview/refresh. By using the URL to a folder with a small number of files I’ve removed these 15 seconds!

    1. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
      Chris Webb says:

      I was using a combination of a stopwatch and the timings for reading data from Process Monitor (see the post referenced above from a couple of years ago). I believe there are other optimisations that can kick in to make the zero-row read much faster even on non-foldable data sources which may explain what you’re seeing – are you using a csv file maybe? I have a suspicion I know what might be happening but I need to do more research. I deliberately chose a JSON file because I know it has to be completely read into memory before it can be loaded, which will be the subject of another blog post soon.

      That tip about accessing the root vs individual files is very interesting. Do you have “Allow data preview to download in the background” turned off?

      1. Yes the “Allow data preview to download in the background” is turned off. The Data Lake has tens of thousands of files, when I go in a single node I get 20/30 files, and the difference is huge.

        I am using CSV files in this example, you’re right CSV is not like JSON and can be partially read to get the number of columns.

      2. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
        Chris Webb says:

        Hmm, I’ll try to find out more. I can guess what might be happening here… You should blog about this 🙂

  4. Hi Chris!
    I just tried this approach in a model connected to the SQL server which had some complex transformations and it was taking really long to load. In fact, I applied all the optimizations you suggested here (turning off “Allow data preview to download in the background” and “Data privacy checks”).
    I can tell you it was a massive reduction of loading time! I need to measure the time it was taken before and how long it is taking now. But I can risk saying that it was around 60% faster than the original time with all these optimizations.
    That was a really great tip!

  5. Dear Chris
    Thank you for your very helpful post as follow-up to a similar post in 2018.

    The logic of Table.View helps presumably a lot in the context of Excel PowerQuery in combination with PowerPivot – I didn’t test yet, but I guess in such environments, usually the source is read twice and the caching is quite poor compared to PowerBI.

    Isn’t there a possibility to wrap your logic into a custom function which takes a table as single input parameter and returns a table? The function itself would evaluate the input table structure (attributes and datatypes) first to create/execute desired Table.View statement.

    Actually it would be great, when this kind of optimization would become part of the Power Query core logic, wouldn’t it ?

  6. I need to run two SQL queries ie first call a stored procedure and then a select statement to display the data. The stored procedure takes a while to run so I want to have it run once. I have tried multiple ways but the M query always calls the Stored Procedure twice. I am using a ODBC connection to run the SQLs. If I call only the stored procedure then it runs once. The problem occurs if I call the select statement after it.

    1. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
      Chris Webb says:

      Thanks for doing this!

    2. Hi Mauro,

      I’m facing very lengthy waits when I refresh my queries.
      I’m pulling the data from Excel files in several folders. I then performed my steps in the ‘Transform Sample File’, which then led to the final query which I load to my model.

      The M code for the final query is as follows:

      Source = Folder.Files(“C:\Users\L_NBSHO8094\Documents\Umsatz Files\Aufträge”),
      #”Filtered Hidden Files1″ = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Attributes]?[Hidden]? true),
      #”Invoke Custom Function1″ = Table.AddColumn(#”Filtered Hidden Files1″, “Transform File”, each #”Transform File”([Content])),
      #”Renamed Columns1″ = Table.RenameColumns(#”Invoke Custom Function1″, {“Name”, “Source.Name”}),
      #”Removed Other Columns1″ = Table.SelectColumns(#”Renamed Columns1″, {“Source.Name”, “Transform File”}),
      #”Expanded Table Column1″ = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#”Removed Other Columns1″, “Transform File”, Table.ColumnNames(#”Transform File”(#”Sample File”))),
      #”Removed Columns” = Table.RemoveColumns(#”Expanded Table Column1″,{“Source.Name”}),
      #”Changed Type” = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#”Removed Columns”,{{“Umsatz”, type number}, {“Anzahl Aufträge”, Int64.Type}, {“Gewicht”, type number}, {“Total Anzahl Waren”, type number}, {“Palettenplätze”, type number}, {“Lademeter”, type number}, {“Month”, Int64.Type}, {“Quarter”, Int64.Type}})
      #”Changed Type”

      My question is: how can I apply the code that you kindly provided to my M code? Where do I exactly fit?

      Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers, Nigel

  7. Great post Chris,

    I have been using this to prevent some complex SQL Server native queries from running multiple times. Unfortunately since i am using stored procedures with parameters as input I am not able to use the query folding native query you’ve talked about elsewhere.

    I have noticed some cases where despite using Table.View, SQL Server Profiler informs me the native query is being run two times:
    * If I use Table.Pivot (I tried this to avoid the problem of dynamic columns being returned from my sql query, which makes it impossible to use the Table.View approach)
    * If I use Table.Buffer (I know you’ve written about this – I thought maybe if I tried it I could avoid the read-twice problem I encountered with Table.Pivot).

    Any ideas?

    1. Hmm, follow up – my post above isn’t completely correct. I’m still not 100% sure why the queries I mentioned were being run 2 times, but I have been able to run Table.Pivot on a Table.View without triggering a re-run of the source query.

  8. Just came across this post and I appreciate the insight. But at the same time, it seems pretty odd that Power BI is basically querying a data source twice, just to determine if columns are present. And if your data source doesn’t support query folding… you are just sweet out of luck unless you are willing to apply some pretty hacky workaround?

    Am I the only one that thinks this is beyond insane?

    I’m struggling to deal with poor performance with Oracle connections. One of the recommended fixes is to use the OLEDB driver as an alternative. However, it doesn’t support query folding… so I’m saving an hour of data loading time, but I’m now getting an extra hour spent waiting for my query to finish evaluating. At least now I know why.

  9. Hi Chris,
    Scenario: Far away (Web)-server with an SQLite DB. Wrote a PHP Script that runs an SQL Query on the 1.5 GB SQLite DB and then outputs a realtime 150kB CSV file.
    (As there are no secrets in that file, just some Energy Consumption/Generation values, I told Power BI to use this as the Web CSV Datasource without any authentication, easy).
    Then I loaded the data as a datasource in power BI.
    But! … This file includes values for different sensors, so what I did, I created ONE Data-Datasource in PowerBI called shelly and did some calculations, then I created two referenced datasources “Source = shelly” and put one filter on these to filter my two different sensors. (I thought I am very smart and avoid data loads!)
    Looking at my Web Server: “I was stupid” -> Power BI is actually loading this table 3 times from my web server (in parallel!)
    Can you explain/confirm this behaviour? As far as I understood references are made, so that Power BI has ONE datasource/load, and the rest works of the Power BI internal database? Am I wrong here?

    As you seem to be an expert, have you made similar experiences?

    Kind regards, Joern.

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