I’m Joining Microsoft

I have an announcement: tomorrow (Monday June 3rd) I’m starting a new job on the Power BI CAT team at Microsoft. It won’t affect what happens here on my blog, but I wanted to write this post because so many people have asked me why I’m making this move.

First and foremost the job at Microsoft offers some exciting new challenges for me that I wouldn’t get as a self-employed person. I’ll get to work on some of the biggest, most complex Power BI implementations in the world, provide feedback to the Power BI development team, and still be able to speak at conferences and do many of the other things I love doing now. I’ll also have the pleasure of working with a truly stellar bunch of colleagues who I know I’ll learn a lot from. And of course, what better product to work on than Power BI and what better tech company to work for nowadays than Microsoft? Power BI is going from strength to strength and I want to make a direct contribution to its future success.

What’s more the offer from Microsoft came at a time when I was getting a bit bored with the work I’ve been doing. If you do any job for long enough it gets repetitive and in my case after thirteen years (over a quarter of my life!) of running my own company I felt like I needed a change. Also, as I have made the shift from being a SSAS/MDX guy to being a Power BI guy I’ve been doing less and less technical consultancy and more and more training, mostly in the form of introductory Power BI courses. I enjoy training, I’d like to think I’m fairly good at it and it has proved very lucrative indeed – I just don’t want to be a full-time trainer, teaching the same material week after week.

Training and consultancy also involve a lot of travel. Over the last few years I’ve averaged more than ten nights per month in hotels and on top of that there were many nights when I got home late after a long journey back from a customer site. My wife has been very supportive and it’s all my kids have ever known, but it’s tiring and I want to spend more time with my family before my kids grow up and leave home. I’ve been to some interesting places on business I would never have been to otherwise and worked with some great companies, so yes, I have enjoyed myself. Business travel is nowhere near as glamorous or thrilling as it may seem, though, and I’m happy that I’ll be doing less of it. There’s also the risk that Brexit (if and when and how it ever happens) will stop me from working in Europe as easily as I have done in the past, so travelling as much might not even have been an option going forward.

Being self-employed has been a great experience and it’s something I would recommend to anyone who is thinking of doing it. I’m immensely grateful to all my customers, business partners and fellow members of the SQL and Power BI communities for making Crossjoin Consulting so successful. However it’s time for me to move on and try something new. Wish me luck! I’ll be back to blogging about Power BI, Power Query, SSAS, DAX and M next week.

59 thoughts on “I’m Joining Microsoft

  1. You are something special
    A great combination of a smart guy with a wonderful personality. It was supposed to happen long time ago
    As MSFT was always home
    For you

    Good luck !

  2. Matt Allington – Sydney Australia – I am a full time self service Business Intelligence trainer and consultant specialising in Microsoft Power BI, Power Query, and Power Pivot for Excel
    Matt Allington says:

    Good luck Chris.

  3. Ivan Bondarenko – Sydney – Excel enthusiast, data / business / system analyst, VBA / SQL / Power Query developer, huge fan of Excel modeling (PowerPivot, finance, supply chain, marketing etc.).
    Ivan Bondarenko says:

    Best of luck, Chris!

  4. Great news Chris! As an avid Power BI user and fan, I’m delighted that they have someone like you on their team. I’m even more looking forward to many more insightful, useful blogs from you now.

  5. wynhopkinsAA – Perth Western Australia – Director - Access Analytic - creating Amazing Excel and Power BI solutions enabling organisations to grow faster, reduce cost and control risk
    Hopkins says:

    Excellent news, another great addition to the Power BI Team. Onwards and upwards Power BI!

  6. Mehdi HAMMADI – M. Mehdi HAMMADI est formateur, chez CoGitar (http://www.cogitar.com) et spécialisé sur les applications de la suite Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, …). Certifié depuis 2010, il a été nommé, en 2012, "Chef de file" des formateurs certifiés Microsoft pour l'Algérie (MCT Regianal Lead - Algeria). En plus de son activité professionnelle, Mehdi est, depuis plusieurs années, un membre actif sur le forum « Answers » de Microsoft, il y répond bénévolement aux questions des internautes en rapport avec son domaine d'expertise ce qui lui a valu en 2011 le titre de Contributeur de la communauté Microsoft (MCC). Mehdi est également l'auteur du blog « Office Users » (http://officeusers.blogspot.com).
    Mehdi HAMMADI says:

    All my congratulations Chris, I wish you the best. Good luck and keep it up.

  7. Great news – congratulations Chris. The expansion of the Power BI Team with true experts like you is a great sign of Microsoft’s continued investment in this awesome product.

    Will you be taking over voicing the monthly Power BI Desktop updates video? 🙂

  8. Congrats Chris and all the very best.

    Do see if you can get MS to show some love to the neglected BI components in Excel

  9. Congrats Chris! Power BI is an amazing product and you will help it become even better. I actually just emailed you a separate question – but guess you’re not consulting anymore!

  10. I am not happy about your decision but I wish you all the best 🙂
    I hope we can find another Consultant who has the skills that you have.

    Best Regards From Frankfurt!


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