Submit Your Feedback On BI Features In SQL Server V.Next

Following on from last month’s post on ideas for new features in SSAS Multidimensional, if you are interested in telling Microsoft what features you think should be added to the on-prem SQL Server BI tools in the next version you can do so here:

Unsurprisingly, there are plenty of pleas for SSRS to get some love. My suggestion is to integrate Power Query with SSRS: it would add a lot of new data sources that SSRS desperately needs; it would add data transformation and calculation capabilities; and it would also provide the beginnings of a common developer experience for corporate and self-service BI tools – Power Query integrated with Report Builder would be a useful companion to the Power BI Dashboard Designer.

7 thoughts on “Submit Your Feedback On BI Features In SQL Server V.Next

    1. It’s my understanding Power BI is only in the cloud? If that’s correct – how can organizations that must conform to HIPAA requirements use this?

  1. forget powerquery – lets get some real data tools by either R which microsoft has bought into with Revolution purchase or python or both, Lets get jquery in there too.

  2. Suggestion…
    Add a client side HTML5 renderer for SSRS

    Please make a significant investment in SSRS by adding a client side rendering engine that [1] does not require a postback to be performed every time an action is clicked [2] renders better charts more responsively on the client side [3] is generally interactive, and competitive and is [4] as full featured as SSRS currently is (PowerView is not currently as full featured as SSRS).

    It’s a pipe dream perhaps.. especially with PowerBI being a client side renderer (i.e. why would they invest in 2) – but you’ve got to aim high don’t you? 🙂

    1. Chris Webb – My name is Chris Webb, and I work on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft. I blog about Power BI, Power Query, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services and Excel.
      Chris Webb says:

      If you don’t ask, you don’t get…