SQLBits and PASS Business Analytics Conference News

I’m going to be speaking at quite a few conferences this year (I’ll blog about them all soon once they’re confirmed) but I thought I’d post something quickly about the two big events in the first half of this year that I’ll be going to.

First of all, registration for SQLBits XI, which will be taking place on May 2nd-4th in Nottingham, UK, is now open. You can find all the details here:
SQLBits is the largest SQL Server conference in Europe and a must-attend if you’re serious about SQL Server (but then I would say that – I’m one of the organisers). We’ve attracted some big names to come and speak this time: just take a look at the precons and the sessions that have been submitted. There will also be some Robin Hood-themed fun, so don’t forget your bow and arrows!

I’ll also be speaking at the PASS Business Analytics Conference in Chicago in April. Again, there’s a great line-up of sessions plus a keynote from Steven Levitt of Freakonomics fame; you can get an idea of what’s going to be presented by attending the Business Analytics 24 Hours of PASS on January 30th. Also, if you use the following code during registration:
You’ll get a $150 discount on the conference rate!
Unfortunately if you’ve already registered the discount can’t be applied retrospectively…

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